
W.O.D. 11.6.20


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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

Take 15 Minutes to build to a heavy 3 RM Push Jerk


4 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
12 Toes to bar
9 Power Cleans (95/135#)
6 Push Jerks (95/135#)

"If I can give myself credit for anything, it's that I do try to learn from the bad. I've never felt so sure that I'm in the right place doing what I'm supposed to be doing as I am right now." 
- Emma Roberts


  1. 113# from floor
    14:09 (200m run, 12 sit ups, 73#)

  2. 12pm
    Jessie 105/ 18:22 (70)
    Pam G 135/ 16:51 rx
    Bfian H 225/ 15:53 rx
    Jill H 105/ 17:49 (70, kr)
    Rich A 211/ 16:33 rx
    Ben B 165/ 20:04 (115, kr)
    Max 165/ 21:00 (115, rom)
    Ryan P 245/ 17:36 rx
    Mark SP 200/ 18:23 (115)
    Josh Mc 215/ 18:18 rx
    Brad 155/ 18:35 rx
    AMM 105/ 16:44 (65, ttp)
    Meredith 110/ 18:04 (65, ttp)
    Mary H 80 (strict press)/ 16:01 (c2, 55# hg clean and press, ttp)
    Pete D 175/ 17:54 (115, run)
    Geoff 155/ 15:50 (95)
    Ina 60/ 17:00 (50, ttp)

  3. Nova
    Cate 115/ 19:)8 (air runer, 85)
    Tyler 225/ 16:18 ski
    Julia 85/ 20:00 (55, kr)

    Lea 65kg/ 17:08 ghd
    Jenna -/ 17:16 rx

    Leigh 23:26 (3rds, 63, ttp)

    Kevin H 205/ 18:26 rx
    Jonathan 185/ 21:52 rx
    Meighan 100/ -]
    Karen Mas 115/ 21:10 (75)
    Tunde 95/ 20:45 (55,ttp)
    Mae 100/ 19:43 (65, ttp)
    Bridget 125/ 19:36 rx
    Mike Mit 155/ 21:00 (95)
    Sal 155/ 19:00 (115,kr)
    Olan 185/ 21:22 rx
    Roberto 165/ 16:48 (95)
    Yex 100/ 18:25 (70)
    Natalie D 135/ 17:42 rx
    Remer 215/ 18:42 rx
    Gianfranco 205/ 17:26 (115)
    McHugh 145/ 20:05 (125, ttp)
    Ana C 90 (strict press)

    Randy 165/ 19:06 rx
    Danielle C 70/ 20:12 (45, kr)
    Elina 45/ 18:54 (45, kr)
    Bhargav 115/ 21:06 (kr, 95)
    Sarah J 115/ 20:24 (75, kr)
    Gia 95/ 19:22 (75, ttp)
    Dana D 120/ 19:46 rx
    Matt E 195/ 21:29 (kr)

  4. 6a
    Sam B 205 14:48 V-ups
    Jamie S 145 18:37 Rx
    Danielle G 145 17:41 V-ups
    Mike San 115 19:09 85/V-ups
    King 155 18:00 115/V-ups
    Jeremy D 165 15:39 V-ups/95
    Jeff B 265 16:10 Rx
    Shawn 165 18:53 115
    Subhan 185 24:15 Rx
    Mak 135 18:57 TTB Att
    Julia C 125 17:55 80/KR
    Laura S 100 19:04 65/KR
    Kevin B 165 17:15 105
    Mike C 145 18:11 95/KR
    Ben M 155 22:18 105
    Greg A 155 19:33 115
    Anna C 85 19:00 65/V-ups
    Theresa L 115 18:17 V-ups

    Karen M 135 PR!! 18:46 Rx
    Rahmon 145 29:00 115
    Lee 70# 23:28 KR/45
