
W.O.D. 11.30.20


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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

4 Rounds for time of:
21 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10ft)
18 Pull-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
12 Handstand Push-ups

 “Do one thing every day that scares you.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. 6a
    Greg A 18:58 1abm
    Brian S 16:31 Rx
    Mike Mel 20:41 Rx
    Mak 19:49 1abm
    Julia C 19:23 (12 pullups/rd,1abm)
    Karen Mal 20:21 Rx
    Danielle G 17:28 12 Pullups/rd, seated DB Press 20#)
    Jamie S 18:36 Rx
    Mark S 20:31 2abm
    Kate C 16:15 (Seated DB Press 25#/RR)
    Mike C 20:17 (14#WB, Seated DB Press 25#)
    Kevin B 20:51 1abm
    Colette 13:47 1abm
    Rahmon 26:14 (Russ,2abm)
    Sean F 13:28 (seated DB Press)
    Theresa L 18:00 (15#WB to 8ft,10 Jump PU, 40#KB)
    Anna C 18:10 (air WB 3#,Bar rows, 30#KB, seated DB Press 20#)
    Subhan 22:42 (30#WB to 9ft, 8HSPU/rd, 2abm)
    Susan A 25:28 2abm
    Manisha 23:48 2abm

  2. 12pm
    Jenna 16:56 rx
    Carl B 14:31 rx
    Jess A 17:58 sc
    Rich A 14:34 rx
    Mary H 21:57 (1/2 pu, 1/2 hspu, 10#wb)
    Jill H 19:03 (10pu rom, 6 hspu 2ab)
    Jerry T 22:52 (Db press 25#, 14#rom,, 44)
    Sarah J 18:48 (rr, sdb press 15#)
    Meg D 23:41 (20# thruster)
    Meredith 19:47 (1/2 pu, 2ab)
    Chris L 19:41 rx
    Pam G 18:35 rx
    Ben B 21:38 (1/2 hspu, 1/2 pu, 44)
    Matty Bo 19:39 (3ab)

  3. 430
    Sal 19:50 (35 sp, bp)
    Kevin H 19:34 rx
    Mae 20:26 rx
    Olan 23;49 (3AB)
    Dave H 21:40 rx
    Remer 10:06 rx
    Roberto 21:23 rx
    Jonathan 22:37
    Karen Mas 21:? (3ab)
    Mr. Intensity 20:59 (bp, 25 sp)
    Joe S 22:36 rx
    Mike Mit 20:50 sc
    Marissa 16:25 rx
    Natalie 18:18 (1ab)

    Danielle C 19:56 (7band pu, 20kb, 15 sp, 10# to 8)
    Erika 19:21 (bp, 15 sp)
    Ryan S 19:03 (1ab)
    Bhargav 21:33 (44 kb, 25 sp)
    Yex 20:13 (9 pu, 1ab)
    Ryan P 20:58 rx
