
W.O.D. 10.28.20


1 RM Overhead Squat 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
50 Pull-ups (basic kip, no butterfly pull-ups)
50 In-Place Front Rack Lunges (65/95#)

"Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune."
– Sam Walton


  1. 113# from floor; 1+5 (bent rows, 63#)

  2. 9:30 and noon
    Aimee 115 116 rx
    Cate 125 113 (25/50/25) reps
    Dana H 145 110 rx
    Ben B 165 PR 80 (slrdl 35#kb)
    Shawn W 125 95 rx
    Max 135 97 rx
    King Sam Bo- 205 143 RR
    Rich A 205 PR 132 rx
    Pam G 130 111 RR
    Chris L 170 120 rx
    Jess S 75 85 rx
    Matty Bo 195 PR 81 rx
    Natalie Dr 160 pr 113 rx
    Brian h 175 116 rx
    Geoff 245 FS 115 65#
    Ina 60# for 10 FS 115 30#

  3. 6a
    Ben M 175 91 Rx
    Kevin B 175 118Rx
    Rahmon 155PR 110 Rx
    Julia C 145PR! 84Rx
    Kate C 125PR 108 25 pullups/unweighted lunges
    Stephanie 55 108@45#/Kip Swings band
    Mike San 125 81@ 75#
    Subhan 145 84Rx
    Mark S 185PR 107 Rx
    Jamie S 107.5 125Rx
    Manisha 90 110@55#

  4. 430
    Remer 225 150rx
    Karen mas 105 107rx
    Mchugh 120 60 band
    Sal 85 box 80 (band, 65)
    Bridget 155 Pr/ 124 rx
    Olan 155/ 95 rx
    Josh s 205 70 rx

    Bhargav 105 95(75, band)
    Samson 195 Pr/ 144 rx
    Laura st 85 pr/ 106 (band, bw)
    Meighan 95 106 (fs)
    Randy 175 123 rx
    Colin 115 93 (65, 43 pu)
    Danielle g 125 113 rx
    Greg a 145 130rx
    Danielle c 50 50 (25/25 band, 45)
    Nick c 135 =)
    Raj 155 87 (1/2 pu)
