
W.O.D. 10.21.20



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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10/15 Calories - Air Bike
7 Sandbag Ground to over the Shoulder (100/150#)

Rest 2:00 

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 GHD Sit-Ups
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts (35/50#) 
(one head of both dumbbells to touch the ground)
20 Goblet Squats (use one 35/50# Dumbbell)

“The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty“
– Winston Churchill


  1. 5 (100ish m run, 7 HPC @ 93#); 3+10 (10 sit ups, 20 DL @ 93#, 20 goblet squats @ 12 kg)

  2. Aimee 4+10 rx/ 5+5 rx
    Cate 3+13 (70/100)/ 4+17 rx

    Haley 3+14 (70)/ 2+21 (25)
    Lila 3 (50)/ 2 (air squats, 25#)
    Ben 3+2 (150/100)/ 2+15 (air squat, 50#)

    Meredith 3+12 (70)/ 3+8 rx
    Pam G 5+4 rx/ 4+4 rx
    Jess S 3+10 (70)/ 2+10 (30)
    Alex B 4+3 (70)/ 3+7 rx
    Rich A 3 rx/ 4+19 rx
    Pete D 3+15 (100)/ 4+10 rx
    Brian H 2+2 rx/ 4+21 rx
    Matty Bo 2+17 rx/ 3+14 rx
    Geoff 3+12 (1min du, 85)/ 4+10 (ab, 25#)

  3. Jenna 4+5 rx/ 3+30 rx
    Lea 5+5 rx/ 4+8 abmat

    Bridget 4 rx/ 4+2 rx
    Tunde 3+17 (30, ab)/ 4+14 (c2, 50#)
    Natalie Draham 4+5 rx/ 3+20 rx
    Sal 3 rx/ 3 (100#)
    McHugh 4 (100)/ 2+15 rx
    Olan 4+7 rx/ 2 rx
    Jonathan 3+14 rx/ 2+7 rx
    Grace A 3+11 (70)/ 3+14 ab
    Donna G 4+16 (70)/ 3+10 rx
    Leah 4 (70)/ 2+40 rx
    Natalie D 4+6 (25)/ 3+15 (25, ab)
    Kevin H 3+15 rx/ 4+3 rx (reverse order)
    Sam B 4 rx/ 3+20 rx
    Karen Mas 3+10 (70)/ 3+42 rx

    Gia 3+30 rx/ 3+11 (70)
    Sarah J 4 (70)/ 2+35 (30)
    Samson 2+12 rx/ 3+27 rx
    Laura St 5+12 (c2, 25#)/ 3+36 (ab, air squat, 20#)
    Joe S 3/ 3+10
    Randy 3+35 rx/ 3 rx
    Ana C 4+21 rx/ 3+10 rx
    Danielle C 2+30 (30, ab)/ 2+7 (50)
    Bhargav 3 (100)/ 3+3 (35, ab)
    Colin 3+2 (35)/ 3+4 (100)
    Missy 3+2 (50)/ 3+34 (20, ab)
    Nick C 3+2 (100)/ 2+11 (35)
    Alana 4+10 (50)/ 2 (30)
    Nicole M 3+12 (70)/ 3+7 rx

  4. 6a
    Kate C 4+10 (75)/3+7 (ROM GHD+abm)
    Subhan 3+5 (5SB)/3+11 (Good mornings)
    Julia C 4+15(75)/3(abm)
    Mak 4rds Rx/3rds Rx
    Meighan D 3+7 (50#)/3+21 Rx
    Mark Sp 3+15 (100)/3+12 Rx
    Mike Mel 4+15 Rx/3rds Rx
    Danielle G 3+10 Rx/4+14 Rx
    Jamie Sp 5Rds Rx/4+9 Rx
    Mike C 3+6 (70#)/3+11 (35#)
    Kevin B 5+3 (100)/3+30 Rx
    Mike San 3+7 (70)/2+27 (abm)
    Ben M 3Rds (100)/3+23 (abm/45)
    Karen M 4+6 Rx/3+11 Rx
    Theresa L 4+5 (power clean @85)/3+23 (abm)
    Anna C 4Rds (C2/air squats)/4Rds (abm/75# DL)
    Manisha 4Rds (50#)/3Rds Rx
