
August Athletes of the Month: The Montanez's

Get to Know Joe M and Nicole... Q and A:

Hometown: Nicole: York, PA. Joe: El Paso, TX

Current Location: King of Prussia (we have a crazy neighbor, you may know him)

Age: Nicole: 39 Joe: 44

Occupation: Nicole: nurse anesthetist at Einstein Montgomery Joe: Business Operations Manager

College: Nicole: Ursinus College for a B.S. in biology, then Drexel University for a BSN, then Villanova for my master’s

How long have you been a CrossFitter? Nicole: since April 2016, but I took most of 2019 off / Joe: 2016 

Did you ever play sports? Nicole: Does being a band geek count?! Joe: Soccer

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? We bought a fixer-upper 2 years ago, so home renos have taken a lot of our time! We also have 2 awesome kids (Dexter, age 9 and Cora, age 7) and enjoy traveling and spending time as a family.

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? Nicole: I hated sports growing up and never thought I could be “athletic”. I was wrong, and it’s NEVER too late! Joe: Rope climbs – I am still not the best at them but slowly getting more proficient

What skill(s) had you been working on all during 2019, and did (it) they become a success and are still part of your 2020 goals? Nicole: I spent most of 2019 training for a powerlifting meet. During that time, I added about 50 lbs to my squat and about 60 lbs to my deadlift! I’m still doing dedicated strength training twice a week. Joe: Overhead squats are one of my weak areas and definitely a 2020 goal

What's your favorite WOD? Nicole: CrossFit Total Joe: Any WOD with Shoulder Presses 😊

How about your favorite food/snacks? Nicole: seafood (Joe – me too)

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? Nicole: I competed in my first powerlifting meet in Feb and placed 3rd in my weight class! Joe: I’ve been known to run a few marathons when I was younger

What’s your least favorite WOD? Nicole: Flight Simulator (Joe – me too)

Favorite lift/movement? Nicole: deadlifts!! Joe: Push-Press or Bench Press

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Nicole: I still don’t have double-unders, they are a source of never-ending frustration for me! I also struggle with gymnastics. Joe: Handstand pushups!!!! If anyone has any tips please help.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? Nicole: my Inzer lever belt Joe: I typically don’t use any gear however recently I have been using knee sleeves

What would you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? Nicole: Everything! I was completely out of shape and un-athletic before CrossFit. When I first started, I couldn’t even do box jumps to the lowest box, I had to jump to a plate! Joe: Everything!!!

Who is your favorite coach? Nicole: I love them all of course, but Coach Steph holds a special place in my heart since she was my powerlifting coach! She was so supportive and knowledgeable and there is no way I could have done it without her. Joe: All the coaches are great however Aimee knows how to kick my ass just enough to where I come back the next day for more fitness

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