
W.O.D. 7.10.20

Zoom with Us!
Meeting ID: 808 492 185
Use: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/583839611 
Meeting ID: 583 839 611

Join us at the gym TODAY (9:30 AM and 12 PM) for our "Soft Opening" and end of our "Welcome Back Week" - FREE for anyone!

For time:
21 Dumbbell Thrusters (Left) 
21 Pull-ups
21 Dumbbell Thrusters (Right) 
Rest 3:00
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (Left) 
15 Pull-ups
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (Right) 
Rest 2:00
9 Dumbbell Thrusters (Left) 
9 Pull-ups
9 Dumbbell Thrusters (Right) 

(women 35#/ men 50# Dumbbell)

Skill Cash out:
5 Rope Climbs to 15 or 20 ft (athletes choice)

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
- Gilbert K. Chesterton


  1. Jill A (at home)
    10:59 (12-9-6 strict pull ups)

  2. 930
    Jill H 13:57 (rom, 25#)
    Jeff P 11:34 (pu/c2b/bar mu, 50#)
    Laura s 12:42 (20)
    Julia C 14:20 (25, - 4 pu)
    Mak 13:49 rx

  3. 12N Zoom
    Geoff 10:47 25, 11-8-6 strict pull
    Anne B 12:02 33#bar, Bar row
    Ina 11:57 10 (25 Rnd of 9) db Row
    Cathy B 11:19 10/RR

  4. 12pm
    Mark S 10:54 (40#)
    Ryan S 12:34 (40, pu/c2b/ bmu)
    Randy 14:37 (40, pu, c2b, ring mu)
    Bridget 11:58 rx
    Ben 13:24 (35, 15-12-9 pu)
    Jen C 10:15 (25)
    Jim C =] (35, rr)
    Pete D 13:58 (45, pu, c2b, ring mu)
    Dana D 1:37 (pu/c2b/bar mu)
    Meg D 11:03 (30, 15/12/9)
    Pam G 13:05 (35/35#, bar mu 9)
    Meredith 11:35 (20, 15/9/5)
    Dana H 13:31 (5c2b+pu, 2bmu)
    Gordy 10:59 (35)
    Kat 11:09 (25, 15/12/9)
    Marissa 15:01 (35, pu/c2b/bar mu)
    Remer 13:01 (50, pu/c2b, bar mu)
    Karen M 12:04 (30)
