
Athletes of the Month: The Zipf Family (Ali)

Hometown: Gladwyne

Current Location: Villanova

Age: 40

Occupation: Mom

College: University of Pennsylvania (Studied Nutrition and Anthropology undergrad) went back to get my MBA a few years later.

How long have you been a CrossFitter? I started CrossFit with private sessions with my Dad in 2011 

Did you ever play sports? Yes, all the sports in high school – tennis, field hockey, lacrosse. I was a coxswain for the crew team in college.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? I’m not sure if it’s a hobby, but I love trying new restaurants. I also love to cook. My most active hobby right now is chasing two pre-schoolers. 

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? Getting an unassisted pullup last year and then getting two strung together.

What skill(s) had you been working on all during 2019, and did (it)they become a success ? Yes – pullup (it was also my 2018 goal, but took longer to get than planned)

Active Goals for the 2020 year? Get back to a pre-pregnancy fitness level in the fall post baby #3’s arrival in July.

What's your favorite WOD? Anything that can be done outside on a nice day and Fight Gone Bad style workouts. I also love doing the Thanksgiving Amazing Race with my family.

How about your favorite food/snacks? Stinky cheese is my desert island food. I love Mexican food, a good lobster roll and pretty much anything my mom has ever cooked.

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? Not necessarily a crazy workout, but I ran the Philly Half Marathon and didn’t train for it.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Anything that involves wall balls or burpees

Favorite lift/movement? Deadlift and back squat

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Wall balls

What’s your favorite piece of workout "gear"? I don’t really own any “gear”, but a tune-up with Dr. Turner every other Thursday is the best!

What would you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? CrossFit has helped me stay in shape during and then get back into shape after two pregnancies and knee surgery.

Who is your favorite coach? Aimee has been our primary coach for the last 9 years. I do my workouts with my Dad and she is able to push me every session and scale as needed for him. Aimee is a an inspiration as leader, coach, mother, wife and friend. I would be remiss not to also mention Jenna, who is often our substitute coach and always mixes it up from Aimee. I have loved watching Jenna develop from intern to full time coach. I especially love Jenna, because she’s been bringing fitness back into my mom’s life for the last year!

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?. Since we’ve been on lockdown, Aimee has been wonderful in continuing our private sessions over zoom. At home, I had a ladder, light free weights, 2 kettlebells and an abmat and we borrowed a 17” box and some heavier free weights from CFKOP. With this limited amount of equipment, Aimee has managed to adapt, challenge and exhaust us twice a week. Thank you!

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