
W.O.D. 4.4.20

Warm Up:
(:30 at each, repeat)
Arm Swings+ Hugs
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Jumping Jacks
Air Squats
Jump Ins
Samson Stretch
Ankle Stretch
Pogo Hops
T- Claps

At Home WOD - Day 23:
"Broomstick Mile"
Pick up a broomstick and get this done!!
Run 400 Meters
25 Back Squats
25 Front Squats
25 Overhead Squats
Run 400 Meters
25 Shoulder Press
25 Push Press
25 Push Jerk
Run 400 Meters
50 Squat Cleans
50 Squat Snatch
Run 400 Meters

COVID Core Cash out:
Accumulate 3:00 of L-sit

Coaches Notes:
For a little more potency, use your barbell if you have one!

If you don't have Parallettes for the L-sit, use two chairs!
If you don't have an L-sit, keep your feet under your body.

"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter." 
- Walt Disney

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