
W.O.D. 3.5.20

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
Walking Lunge 100 ft (hold KB in front rack)
Handstand Walk 50 ft
50 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)

“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, your attitude when you have everything.”
 – Unknown


  1. 6am
    Andrew V 3+100’ (WW)
    Mark Ch 4 (35#)
    Kevin B 3+50’ lunge Rx
    Joey 2+35 kbs
    Mike P 3 25’ hsw
    Theresa 3+125’
    Jamie S 4 (5walkins)

    Geoff Y 2+ 1kb (44#)
    Ryan C 2+28kbs (45#, 3ww)
    Anna C 3 (unweighted lunges, S.Bear)

  2. *** 100 ft= 10 reps
    *** 50 ft = 5 reps

    8:30 AM
    Steph V 3 (death march/30 High plank shoulder taps)
    Cate :)
    Aimee 3+ 24 Rx

    9:30 AM
    Tola 3+5 Wall walk in
    Frank 2+ 35# HS Walk attempts
    Emily 3+ 15 Wall walk in
    Meredith 3+ 3 26# Wall walk in

  3. Express
    Pam 3+32 (2 mats hs walk)
    Matt to 3+15 (35, wwi)
    Pete d 3+18 (wwi)
    Matt tax 2+16 (25’)
    Carl b 3+14

    Amrap in 20
    50’ lunge
    3 wwi or 7 cal ski

    Mary h 4+9 (26, 3mats)
    Terry 5+15 (18#)
    Barb c 4 (9/18#)
    Barb b 5 (18#, kick up)
    Ina 4+5 (18/26#, hswa)
    Cherie 4+61 (20#)
    Cathy 4+13 (7 ski,7 bike, 10#)
    Jerry 4+11 (45, wwi)
    Dad 5+13 (20#)
    Anne b 5 (18# bear crawl, ski)

  4. 430
    Alicia 3+47 wwi
    Josh mc 3+1 rx
    Becky 3 wwi
    Olan 2+19 wwi
    Mike m 2+27 wwi
    Roberto 3+25 (35, kick up, wwi)
    Matty bo 2+15 wwi
    Samson 3 wwi
    Marissa 3+15 rx
    Ben b 2+22 kick up

    Jen c 3+23 (kb snatch, wwi, alt 20#)
    Sam f 2+42 (45#)
    Shawna 3 (bw lunge, 26#, 5wwi)
    Jeff 3+46 rx
    Micah 2+62 rx
    Andrew t 2+41 wwi
    Ryan p 3+1 wwi
    Erin m 3+28 wwi
    Nick 2+18 (30, wwi)
    Colleen 3+10 wwi
    Andrew m 4+1 (bw lunge)

  5. 6:30 pm

    Remer 3 Rx
    Steph C. 3,26#,ww
    Steph McG. 2+56,30#
    Joe S. ?
    Mark E. 2+22,44#,ww
    Gia 3+10,26#,half hsw
    Sahithi 2+28,20#,box
    Chak 2+45,44#,ww
    Bhargav 3+25,35#,box
    Arum 3,25#/18#,box
    Nag. 2+13,25#,box
    Erika R. 2+50,26#,box

    7:30 pm

    Alex B. 3, walkins
    Zohib 3,35#,walkins

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