
W.O.D. 3.3.20


1 RM Overhead Squat

Cash out:
2 Rounds  for time of:
15 Overhead Squats (60% of your 1 RM)
30 GHD Sit-ups

"Ambition is a lust that is never quenched, but grows more inflamed and madder by enjoyment."        - Thomas Otway


  1. 9:30
    Tola 115pr 6:58 1/2abm
    Jackie 195fs Pr 7:51fs
    Mary h 100pr 8:46rx
    Emily 95 5:40rx
    Alex b 200bs pr 7:51 bs
    Jill a 165 4:23 Rx
    Aimee 160pr 5:23rx

  2. 5:15/6a
    Mark S 175# 5:54 Rx
    Jamie S 125# 6:03 Rx
    Yex 115 5:34 Rx
    Laura S 95# 4:10 Tuck Hollow
    Brian S 185 5:14 Rx
    Kevin B 175 4:14 Rx
    Manny 105# 8:00 15GHD/15Ab
    Mike S 7:29 Rx
    King 155 6:10 40GHD

    Cass 85# 5:30 1/2ea ROM GHD+abm
    Austin 85# 6:48 1/2ea ROM GHD+abm
    Mike C 135# 5:19 1/2ea GHD+abm
    Joey D 225# 6:07 Weighted situps
    Barb B 50# PR! 1/2ea ROM GHD+abm
    Rahmon 135# 6:45 1/2ea GHD+abm
    Colin R 170 5:52 Rx
    Jeff 175 6:36 1/2ea ROM GHD+abm

  3. 1215
    Matt tax 235
    Pam g 120/ 5:51 rx
    Carl b 170/ 5:00 rx
    Frank 155/ 7:02 rx
    Mikey 135/ 4:27 (65)
    Meredith 105/ 5:09 (65, ab)
    Bridget 157.5 Pr/ 6:19 rx
    John mc 155/ 6:40 (95, abmat)
    Tim h 145/ 5:47 (100hs@87, abmat)

    Cherie 70/ 5:28 (40, ab)
    Gordy 145/ 4:00 (85)
    Kathleen 50 back squat to 17”/ 3:49 (25, ab)
    Gigi 35 rom/ 3:38 (15)
    Anne b 60/ 4:20

  4. 430
    Joe s 205/ 5:15 rx
    Samson 185 PR/ 6:03 rx
    Mike mit 180 fs/ 5:50 (135, ab)
    Keith 265/ 6:55 ab
    Amm 135/ 5:12 ab
    Roberto 135/ 4:54 (75)
    Shawn 110/ 5:12 rx
    Olan 180 Pr/ 6:05 ab
    Josh mc 245/ 5:04 rx

  5. Anna: 60 PR! 6:40 35
    Ben B: 155 PR 8:10 abmat 75
    Geoff: 140 PR 5:03 1/2 god
    Mak: 135 PR 5:22
    Ryan: 125 6:14 20 GHD

  6. 5:3
    Andrew M. 135/3:26 rx
    Jeff P. 274 pr!/ 7:55 rx
    Colleen 140/7ish rx
    Erin M. 125 pr!/ 5:25 rx
    Shawna 105/8:32 abm
    Chak 145/5:05 abm
    Bhargav 105/5:10 abm
    Nick C. 95/7:49 abm
    Josh S. 225/7:15 abm
    Matt B. 195 pr!/5:13 abm
    Sam B. 250/3:32 abm
    Ryan P. 225/5:56 abm
    Laura A. 125/6:42 rx
    Remer 235/9:10 rx
    Sam F. 140/4:56 rx

    Braen 205 pr!
    Randy 175 pr!
    Danielle 150 pr!
    Steph C. 85
    Sarah J. 105 pr!
    Kim 60 pr!
    Laura S. 70 pr!
    Arun 65
    Natalie 150
    * 6:30 cash out times were super blurry on my phone pic. Sorry guys :(
