
W.O.D. 2.22.20

5 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
30 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
20 Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes:
All CLASSES TODAY AND TOMORROW will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb.
Please meet and park there.

“You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training” 
-Tom Hopkins


  1. 9am
    Webb - 36:36 (44#/35#)
    Karen - 39:11 (26#/ scaled BJ reps half way)
    Ina - 38:11 (16”/ 25#, half reps)
    LA - 35:27 Rx
    Emily - 37:12 Rx

  2. 10am
    Shay - 40:10 Rx
    Kim - 38:08 (13”step ups/ 20#)
    Mike - 36:36 Rx
    Hannah - 43:14 Rx
    Randy - 34:54 Rx
    Jess - 27:24 (4rds, 600m row/ 16” step up/ 25#)
    Tola - 42:18 Rx
    Beenash - 43:29 (15”/ 30#)
    Pete - 42:28 Rx+ (55#)
    Mark - 42:47 (step ups/ 44#)
    Braden - 38:14 Rx
