
W.O.D. 12.5.19

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
1 Rope Climb (15 ft)
3 Ring Muscle Ups
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/24")
7 Toes to Bar

Advent Day 5:
Turkish Get-up (M/F)
Advent ticket for unique objets and load lifted (M/F)
Video submissions on the Community Facebook or Instagram are welcome!!! 
Make sure to tag @crossfitkop

Community Notes:
Tomorrow is Festivus! Start time is 5pm with Festivities (pig roast) and events beginning at 5:30 PM. Come dressed in your best holiday flare, bring a white elephant gift ($5-10) food or drinks to share and be prepared for feats of strength.
The 4:30pm workout is the last class of the day on Friday, 12/6.

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results." 
- Wade Boggs


  1. 6am
    Mike Mel ouchie
    Mike P 6 (jmu)
    Mike S 5 (3 strict pull-ups/3 strict dips)
    King 6+4 (jmu)
    Kevin B 7+9 (jmu)
    Theresa 6+4 (jmu)
    Jamie S 6+1 (3 ring pull-ups)
    Colin R 6 Rx

    Anna 3 + 1 half rope climb (rope pulls/step over squats)

  2. Aimee 6+6 Rx
    Cate 5+13 Rx
    Tim P 5+1 Rx
    Jenna 3+3 Rx

  3. 930
    Olan 5+1 jmu
    Steph v 5 (kr, pull to stand, 3 band pu, 2 plates)
    Emily g 5+8 (6ttba, trans)

    Cate 5+5 (trans)
    Tyler 5+1 rx
    Albert 5 (trans, rca)

    Jilla 5+8 (strict pu)
    Alex 4+2 ttba
    Kira 6+3 rx
    Adam 5+7 jmu
    Tunde 3+9 (kr, trans, steps)
    Matt t 6+9 trans
    Mike m 5+4 (trans)
    Marco =)
    Donna g 5+4 (trans, kr)
    Larissa 4+7 (trans, rca)
    Samson 7+1 (1 rmu/ rd)
    Marissa 4+2 rmua
    Siva 4+4 (trans, 10’)
    Roberto 6 rx (* cleared box)

    Andrew 9+8 rx
    Jeff p 7+2 rx
    Erin m 7 (trans/ dip)
    Joe s 6+1 rx
    Braden 6+2 rx
    Shawna 4 (trans, 17”)
    Raj 4 (trans, rom)
    Sam f 7+1 (3 ring pu, 3 dips)

  4. Gia: 5+8 trans 5ttb
    Steph C: 6 trans
    Erika: 5+4 1/2 pull
    Chak: 6+5 trans
    Bhargac: 6 trans kr
    Eric: 4 10” rope
    Cory 6+5 3 pu 3 ring dip

  5. 12:15
    pete 8 c2b
    micah 6 trans
    bridget 5+2 beu
    refer 7+3rx
    keith 5 rx
    rich 6+1 rx
    denise 4+4 RR/hook+pull/6#
    Jess a 5+14 Hook/step/RR/KBS
    Colleen 6+4 trans
    jill h 5+9 c2ba/tba
    kevin h 6+6 bmu
    Josh M 6+3rx
    Carl 7+2 rx
    Joe 5+1rx
    gordy 6+2 BMU
    Tim H 4+? (gordys arm is covering the rest of your score in my pic!! Sry!)

    AMRAP in 15m
    1 Rope Climb
    3 Shoulder Press (Heavy)
    5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 13"
    7 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Heavy)

    Terry 6+8 43/35
    Mae 6+4 53/35/pull
    chris 5 rca/75/44
    Barb c 5+1 RCA 43/25/6"
    Barb B 6+9 hook/45/35
    John 5 65/44
    Anne 6+1 12ft/43/35
