
W.O.D. 11.29.19

Join us to take on the house WOD “Wolverine” anytime today between 9:30am-1:00pm.

 Coaches will be on hand to help you warm up and scale.
Free babysitting between 9:30-10:30am only. 

The Wolverine - Come try your luck at our "house" WOD and get your name on the board. 
For all you endurance (and ab) junkies this is the WOD to come to! 

 What is the WOLVERINE anyway?? 
 6 Rounds for time of: 
 10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95# 
 20 Pull-ups
 100 Sit-ups 
 1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M) 

 or the... 

 4 Rounds for time of: 
 10 Clean and Jerks 95#/65# 
 20 Pull-ups 
 50 Sit-ups 
 400M Run

Community Notes:
All regular classes are canceled; open strength will be in the annex concurrently.

All weekend classes (Saturday and Sunday) will be held in the Annex, please meet and park there.

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
– Dale Carnegie


  1. Wolverine RX
    Jamie S 59:59
    dana d 66:48
    mike ro 65:54
    Jeff P 68:49
    mike Mel 60:36
    king 64:02
    mark s 70:23
    Kira k 59:25
    Marco 55:12
    Cory 69:10
    Paul K 71:51

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wolverine Cub RX
    Roberto 39:26 rx+135
    Ben 32:00
    Mike San 38:15
    Susan a 37:50
    Theresa 34:31 Rx+85#
    Gordy 32:22

  4. Wolverine Scaled
    Megan 60:35 rx
    alex&missy 66:15 55/bnd
    Pam 45:20 4 Rounds RR
    Karen M 35:00 10pullups/4rnds

  5. Wolverine Cub Sc
    Mae 31:40 erg bike/bnd pull/55
    Johnathan (135/c2b)/Elizabeth (200M/RR/15DB) 35:25
    Caitlyn/Briana ??? (12#DB/RR)

  6. Wolverine Cub Sc
    Mae 31:40 erg bike/bnd pull/55
    Johnathan (135/c2b)/Elizabeth (200M/RR/15DB) 35:25
    Caitlyn/Briana ??? (12#DB/RR)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sam f ??
    Jill a ??
    Jill h 29:07 cub/10 pull ups PR!
