
Athlete of the Month: Joe Smutek

Get to Know Joe S.... Q &A:

Hometown: Princeton Jct., NJ

Current Location: Conshohocken

Age: 36 Occupation: Marketing Analyst

College: Kutztown undergrad, Rider graduate

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 6 years

Did you ever play sports? Nope, I was lazy when I was younger.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? Riding jetskis, reading books, drinking Budweiser.

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? I think the fact that I’m able to do most of the movements in CrossFit is an accomplishment. I’ve never been a very athletic person and none of it has come naturally to me. That paired with the fact that my mobility is laughable and I’m very uncoordinated has increased the learning curve.

What skill had you been working on all during 2019, and did they become successes, yet? Butterfly pulll-ups. Aimee has been forcing me to work on these the last few months after I’ve successfully avoided them for years. She’s taken me from flopping around under the bar, to something that might resemble a decent butterfly.

Goals for the whole 2020 year? I want to close the gap on the movements I struggle with so that there are less wods which are completely out of my wheelhouse. Toes to bar, overhead movements, high skill gymnastics.

What's your favorite WOD? Isabel

How about your favorite food/snacks? I’m an ice cream junky. I’m still shocked that I haven’t quit a wod halfway through and stopped at frosty falls.

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? I once ran 76 miles around the loop from the art museum to the East Falls bridge.

What’s your least favorite WOD? The seven is pretty bad

Favorite lift/movement? Cleans and ring muscle ups

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Jerks or anything overhead

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? Armbands. I thought they were a joke until I started using them, now I’m a big believer.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? Just the fact that I’m able to do this and keep up with guys significantly younger than me. I was never an athlete and didn’t get into fitness until late in my 20’s, so when I’m able to compete against lifetime athletes it’s pretty rewarding.

Who is your favorite coach? I can really appreciate Steph for never holding back on calling someone out and think Jenna does an amazing job at running events (and the gym in general), but Aimee has really taken me under her wing and become a great friend. I admire her passion for the sport and dedication to helping everyone improve. Even on days when we can be more than resistant on staying focused, she’s able to coral us and get the job done. I also don’t think many people realize the amount of time she puts in outside of coaching so that she can consistently add more value to what she can offer the members and find more effective ways of making us better. She’s a true asset and it’s reflected in the level of athletes we have at CFKOP.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?.. Not one thing in particular, I’m just happy that I’m still getting better and stronger, despite being old and falling apart.

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