
W.O.D. 7.19.19

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
15 Push Press (65/95#)
15 Burpees
15 Ring Rows
15 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)

(For the RX - ring row, orient your body directly under the straps of the rings)

Community Notes:
5:30 and 6:30pm classes will be held in the Annex

Join us tomorrow to support the KOP Barbell Club's Scorched Iron Classic and these KOP lifters!
Jenna Kenny (First meet!)
Aimee Lyons
Mark Powell (First meet!)
Jen Campanelli
Dana Hazard
Esra Belazi (First meet!)
Jeff Paul
Gordy Jamieson

"You can only control two things; attitude and effort." 
- Dan Bailey


  1. JP 2+52rx
    Steph 3 +15,10 burpees,ROM RR,#33
    Colleen 2+58rx
    Mike P 2+42rx

  2. 930
    Matt t 2+21 (65)
    Remer 3 rx
    Jill h 2+32 (55, rom)
    Anna c 2+48 (45, rom, snake pu)
    Mak 2+23 rx
    Caitlyn 2+18 rx
    Mike Roth 2+53 rx
    Jackie h 2+34 rx
    Barb b 2+20 (35, rom)
    Lily 3+7 (55, rom)

  3. Express
    Suzanne 2+23 (45, rom)
    Pete D 3+45 (45)
    Micah 2+57 rx
    Pam 3+6 (db single arm 35)
    Dana D 2+43 rx
    Jessie 2+15 (25#db, fs 65#)
    Sam F 2+37 (75)
    Steph C 3+16 (45, rom)
    Fayth 2+38 (45, rom)
    Meredith 2+45 (55, rom)
    Ina 3+9 (20 pp db, hps 15# db, rom)
    Kevin T 2+39 (75)

  4. 3:30
    Donna 2+49,55,ROM RR
    Roberto 2+25rx
    Natalie 2+35rx
    Sherri 2+19,33,ROM RR

    Andrew 3+52rx
    Erinn 3+3rx
    Josh 2+21rx
    Cory 3+15rx
    Siva 2,ROM RR,15
    Raj 2+45,ROM RR

  5. 6:30
    Tori 2+52 55#, rr sc
    Subhan 2+34 rx
