
W.O.D. 7.10.19

5 Rounds for time of:
20/15 Calories Air Bike
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
15 Front Rack Lunge (in place) (65/95#)

"It’s not what we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so." 
- Mark Twain


  1. 9:30

    Caitlyn B. 23:07,45#
    Manisha S. 22:21,45#,33#
    Donna G. 21:48,44#,55#
    Lucas S. 15:49,15 cal,55#,75#:WRX+

  2. 12:15 EXP

    Kevin T. 21:04,55#,65#
    Matt T. 21:41,53#,65#
    Michael C. 19:59,15 cal,53#,45#
    Steph C. 22:53,35#,45#
    Pete D. 18:23,53# Russian
    Remer 20:30 Rx
    Alicia 19:18,35#,55#
    Dana H. 18:03,35#,rack

  3. 515
    Jeremy 22:34
    Mark S 19:57 (Russian 70)
    Kevin B 17:57 Rx
    Jamie S 15:07 Rx
    Laura Alt. 15:15 45#kbs
    Dana D 20:15 Rx
    Nikki 19:12 20cal/53#kb goblet squats
    Susan A 20:05 55#lunges/35# Kbs

    Julia C 18:46, 55# lunges, 35# kbs
    Meg O 16:44 65# lunges from rack
    Ben M 20:03 53#kb
    Ellie P 22:37 55#lunges/44#kbs
    Brian S 17:43 70# goblet squats
    Jeff G 22:10 44#kbs/65#lunges

    Mike P 25:05 Rx
    Larissa 20:30 55#lunges/44# russian
    Shawn W 22:38 75#lunges/55kbs
    Anna C 22:57 35#goblet squat/35#kbs

  4. 630
    Lea w 15:57 rx
    Jess 22:28 (35/55)
    Twinnie 22:45 (44/35 kB, 55)
    Kim 22:33 (15,20#)
    Subhan 22:35 rx
    Matt e 25:51 (53/75)
    Chak 24:06 (65/45)

    Neil 19:06 rx
    Mike Roth 18:47 (55 kB)
    Rocio 21:10 (back squat 33, 30#)
    Mae 28:05 (35# both)
    Molly 23:00 (45# kB rom)

  5. 4:30pm I'm so sorry but the picture I took of your scores got cut off!! Please post to comments your score.

  6. 5:30pm
    Lily- ??
    Joe S 14:08rx
    Matt B 24:58 rus
    beenash 23:24 26/55
    Erinn 16:06 45
    Laura St 23;23 20/15
    Todd L 23:36rx
    Cory 18:49rx
    Samson 20:58 55
    erin 18:29 rus
    Jilla 10:29 3r
    colleen 17:41rx
    marissa 22:01 rx
    bhargav 22:13 33/35
    siva 21:00 25/45
    Cherie 21:05 35/35
