
W.O.D. 5.1.19

Join us (or tell a friend today) CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting a Level One Certificate Course on June 1/2 or July 27/28.

For time:
1000 Meter Row
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Cash out:
5 Minute (partner) AMRAP:
Ground to over the Shoulder Sandbag Cleans

"Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."
- Robert Louis Stevenson


  1. 515am
    Jeremy 6:53 Rx, 15 @ 150#
    Kevin B 6:58 Rx, 30@ 100# with Mike S
    Mark S 8:22 (Strict banded), 61 @ 100# with Jamie
    Mike S 9:04 Rx
    Jamie S 7:20 Rx
    Laura Alt. 8:13 Rx, 30@ 100# with Dana D
    Dana D 7:27 Rx
    Susan A 8:47 RRows
    Jess M 7:52 banded strict
    Holly 7:58 RRows

    Yex 7:57 regular pull-ups, 45@ 75# with Orell(150#)
    Orell 7:08 (1/2 c2b)

    Evie 8:29 Rx, 47 Rx with Lea
    Matt D 8:56 Rx, 47@ 70# with Nikki
    Lea 8:26 Rx
    Olan 8:28 Rx, 22 Rx solo
    Larissa 9:!5 Rx, 75# didn't count
    Alex L 8:32 Rx, 100# didn't count

  2. 7am con't

    Anna 8:54 (pull-ups), 20# ball
    Nikki 6:24 Rx, 47@ 70# with Matt

  3. 9:30

    Jackie H. 9:23 Rx,38@70 w/Tori
    Mary H. 10:25 Rx,6 rnds of 5 pu+10 sit-ups
    Christine R. 11:00 pull-ups,22@70 w/Andrea
    Manisha S. 11:37 band strict ctb, 50#
    Andrea Z. 9:36 pull-ups,22@70 w/Christine
    Lucas S. 7:57 Rx, 150#
    Tori C. 12:00 band ctb,38@70 w/ Jackie

  4. 12:15
    Bridget 10:00 rx
    Jess a 9:55 band
    Pete d 5:49 rx
    ^ 63 reps (70/100#)
    Rich a 5:59 rx
    Subhan 9:02 rx
    ^ 38 rx

    Matt 5:57 rx
    Tyler 6:45 rx
    ^ 37 rx
    Cate 8:25 pu
    Bridget 8:30 band
    ^ 44 at 70#
    Casey 9:20 pu
    Mike mackin 8:05 pu
    ^ 45 at 100#
    Danielle g 8:35 rx (40 reps with Jenna)

  5. 630
    Hasan 10 ish pu
    Bhargav 9:15 att
    Mike c 6:36 rx (w/ hasan 44 with 100/150)
    Caitlyn 8:15 c2ba (Josh 25 rx)
    Ellie 10:32 c2ba (w/ bhargav, 48@70#)
    Lauren 9:22 pu
    Kira 6:17rx w/ Lauren 45 rx/70#
    Josh 7:46 rx
    Gia 9:40 c2ba (w/ Jess 53@70)
    Jess 8:00 pu

    Missy 8:23 (w/ Alex 70# 🤷‍♀️)
    Neil 6:52 rx
    Dave 8:30 rx w/ Neil 29 rx
    Kim 9:31 rx
    Brittany 7:39 c2ba w/ Kim 53@ 53/70

  6. 5:30pm
    Micah 6:42 rx
    Matt b 7:36 rx
    33 rx

    Raj 8:18 20 c2b
    Colleen 6:38rx
    38 rx

    Steph m 7:22rx
    Erin 7:08 rx
    45 (70#)

    Dani 6:22 rr
    Alexxx 8:03rx
    44 (70#)

    Sam f 8:17 st.pull
    Cory 6:01 rx
    :) (100/Rx)

    Karen 7:44 st band pull
    Joe s 7:29 2k erg bike/15 st.c2b & 15 st.pull
    37 (50/70#)

  7. 4:30pm
    Ryan s 7:36 rx
    Regi 10:10 bnd c2b
    36 (rx/70)

    Tommy 10:01 pull
    Erinn 7:55 pull
    54 (70)

    Kevin h 5:59rx
    Josh mc 5:52rx
    64 (100)
