
W.O.D. 1.6.19

Congratulations Kayla and Adam Rizzo!!!!

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 
1 squat snatch 
3 clean and jerks 
30 double-unders 

 Men: 155 lb. Women: 105 lb.

Coaches Notes:
Select a manageable load for the barbell, knowing that the snatch will be the limiting factor for almost all athletes. Avoid misses on the snatch and perform touch-and-go clean and jerks if you’re able to. Modify the rope work so you can get back to the barbell in about a minute or less.

“Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.” – Alan Watts

1 comment:

  1. Chris L 9+1 (95#)
    Jess S 8+1 (35#, 10 DUA)
    Laura A 8 (95#)
    Suzanne 7+4 (45#, 15 DU)
    Jazz 9 (55#, SU)
    JB 10 (35#, SU)
    Pete D 6 (185# @ 5 backsquat, 15 DU)
    Meg O 9+3 (83#, 10 DB Step Up @ 15# db, clean only)
    Donna 10+3 (55#, 15 DU)

    Matt E 8+1 (95#)
    Subhan 7+4 (45#, 10 DUA)
    Jill H 8+5 (60#, 20 DU)
