
W.O.D. 1.31.19

For time: 
30 toes-to-bars 
40 single-arm dumbbell snatches 
50 dumbbell box step-overs 
40 single-arm dumbbell snatches 
30 toes-to-bars 

Men: 50-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box 
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box

"Failure is only postponed success as long as courage 'coaches' ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory."
- Herbert Kaufman


  1. rapid trim 24/7 beings are today full of desires that make them fulfill their every luxury requirements whether it’s about a living habit or eating habit. The craving activities of individuals are aimed towards tongue satisfaction despite their bad results with overeating several sugar and fat stuff. Such cases often lead to the development of extra fat structure inside the body that causes them to experience obesity and overweight condition. If you are not taking enough precautions today the future would be filled with troublesome health with the formation of bad cholesterol inside the body.

  2. 6am
    Sean S 15:50 Rx
    Justin C 15:49 Rx
    Jeremy 15:25 (v-ups)
    Mark S 17:04 (40#, v-ups)
    Kevin B 14:05 (non weighted step overs, 45#/35#)
    Jeff G 15:50 20"box, 30#, seated t2b)
    Matt D 16:39 35#, 25# step overs)
    Mike S 18:08 v-ups, 35#/25#, "30" step overs
    Meg O 13:28 (meg being princess meg)
    Theresa 14:35 25# step ups
    Jamie S 12:00 v-ups
    Colleen 12:50 step ups, knee raises

    Emily D 19:13 (20#, 17"box, knee raises)
    Anna C 16:00 (17"box, 20#, pole t2b
    Alona 21:51 (35#)
    Joe C 20:24 (35# step overs)

  3. 830
    Aimee 13:19 (17" box)
    Jilla 15:07 rx
    Cate 15:05 (50 cal bike, 40kbs, 20 kr, 30 pu)
    Steph V 14:34 (17" bw, kr)
    Susan 15:10 (13", 30#, kr)
    Tim P 17:22 (40# db step up and over)
    Lea 15:30 (30# db, 17")
    Jenna 17:25 rx

    Emily G 17:54 (25#, 17", rom ttb)
    Mak 16:10 (30, ghd last 30)
    Larissa 17:58 (20#, ttb rom)

    Hazard 15:06 rx

    Evie 12:44 rx

    Olan 21:17 (40#)
    Tim H 11:51 (1/2 reps, ttba, step up 35#)
    Kevin H 14:55 (30 cal bike, 45#, 20 db cleans)
    Lucas 16:15 rx
    Rich A 19:28 rx
    Carl B 14:40 rx
    Matt T 15:29 (35)
    Kayla 11:25 rx
    Christine R 15:33 (20 ttb, 25#)
    Manisha 17:39 (25#)
    Mary H 14:24 (20 ttb rom, 20#)

  4. Masters
    15 ttb swings
    25 db snatch
    40 step up and overs
    25 db snatch
    15 ttb swing

    1k row

    Anne b 7:13 (20#/15#,13” step overs)/ 5:07
    Mom 7:42 (12#,13”)/ 5:23
    Dad 6:30 (20#,17”)/ 4:14
    Jack 6:21 (25#,20”)/ 4:22
    Laurie 6:10 (17”,15#)/ 5:27
    Barb c 7:17 (17”,15/10#)/ 5:28

  5. Villanova
    Matt 16:28 rx
    Grace 13:20 (15#, rom)
    Bri 14:46 (20#, kr)
    Cate 16:06 (25#)
    Kira 17:40 (30#)
    Heather 13:19 (25/30#, t2ba)
    Gabriella 15:12 (15#, kr)
    Subhan 14:18 (35#,kr)

    Alicia 16:07 (35/25)
    Jill H 15:55 (20/30, ttb rom)
    Bridget 18:40 (35/15)
    Laura A 14:24 rx
    Josh Mc 14:12 (45/25)
    Andrew Mc 18:05 (kr, 20)
    Nikki 12:11 rx
    Adam 21:41 (20#, 13", swings)
    Andrea Z 12:39 (20, rom)
    Donna 12:03 (ttb rom, 25)
    Mike M 17:30 (ttb rom, 30)
    Sydney 18:29 (20, ttba)
    Andrew M 1203 rx
    Dana 17:57 rx
    Raj 17:08 (25, kr)

  6. 530
    Jess 14:50 (20)
    Merna 18:50 (15, swings)
    Caitlyn 14:21 (25, 20 ttb)
    Twinnie 14:13 (25)
    Alex Th 13:42 (25)
    Kate Sp 14:08 (25, ttb rom)
    Jeff 13:40 rx
    Jen C 12:49 (35 one arm, toes to pole)
    Randy 14:57 (40)
    Braden 14:58 (45)
    Sam B 14:14 (v ups, rom ttb)
    Cory 14:57 (v ups)
    Shawna 16:46 (30/ 25 step up)
    Micah 16:24 rx
    Joe S 14:21 rx

  7. 630
    Matt E 19:36 (45, kr)
    Gia 16:30 (20)
    Liz 17:45 (25, 15 t2ba)
    Luda 16:40 (15#, rom)
    Mike C 17:15 (35/25)
    Chak 18:50 (35)
    Sarah 16:20 (15#, kr)
    Steph C 12:34 (last set v- up)
    Fayth 13:30 (20, kr)
    Cherie 14:42 (20step/ 25 snatch, rom)
    JP 18:53 (t2 rings)
    Sam 16:59 (35)
    Dan 18:38 (50/35)

    Greg A 17:17 (40)
    Missy 16:55 (25/20, kr)
    Alex 18:16 (30/25, kr)
    Ellie 15:57 (20, kr)
    Sid 17:38 (25, kr)

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