
W.O.D. 1.10.19

Ring Muscle Up
Squat Snatch 95/135#

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” 
– Amelia Earhart


  1. 6am
    Justin C 9:45 Rx
    Webb 7:08 (65#, trans
    Super Sick Sean S 17:26 (105#)
    Theresa 8:49 (75#, burpee/strict pull-ups)
    Mark S 9:30 (squat clean sub, burpee/strict pull-ups)
    Jamie S 9:05 105#, squat clean, burpee/strict pu)
    Colleen B 5:55 (power clean sub, 65#, trans)
    Matt D 6:26 (55# power, transitions)

    Lauren H 7:32 (jmu)
    Emily G 6:14 (50#, trans)
    Anna 6:11 (15#, trans)

  2. 8:30/9:30 AM
    Aimee 6:43 RX PR
    Cate 10:41 RX
    Jill A 9:57 RX PR
    Jenna 11:42 85# trans/dip
    Lea 6:44 Trans Pull-up
    Lucas :)
    Manisha 10:10 45# Aimee assisted MU (4/3/2)
    Julia C 7:33 45# trans
    Kevin 6:41 75# power 4/4/4 string MU

  3. 1215
    Pete D 8:12 (cal bikex 2, bs 205, sing arm row 50)
    Larissa 8:44 (23#, trans)
    Tim H 8:30 (105#, trans+ dip) PR!
    Bridget 8:22 (65, emu)
    Meredith 8:51 (60, trans)
    Christine 7:48 (45, trans)
    Subhan 8:49 (75, trans)

    For Time:
    60cal row
    50 kbs
    30 sit ups
    20 db hang power cleans

    Joe D 18:00 (35#,25#db,10#)
    Dad 13:30 (35#,14#,25#)
    Mom 14:43 (12#,20#,8#)
    Barb Z 14:42 (30wb 6#, 40 sit up,30#)
    Terry J 13:40 (10#,20#,15#)
    Laurie 13:50 (12#,6#,18#)

  4. 430
    Mark P 9:04 (115, 3 first KOP MU!!!- 1/ rd)
    Julie R 8:42 (65, trans)
    Jill H 8:41 (65, trans)

    Sam F 8:05 (85, att, dips)
    Joe S 5:44 rx pr
    Jeff P 4:52 rx pr
    Randy 9:44 (105#)
    Laura 10:009 (75 trans/ dips)
    Alex Tu 7:00 (55, trans)
    Nikki 9:21 (7-5-3 amu, 85# 12-9-7)
    Rekha 8:42 (35, trans)
    Sam B 4:33 (trans)
    Caitlyn 6:22 (65, trans)
    Roberto 9:33 (95, trans, first MU!)
    Andrew M 2:36 (cleans, 135, pu)

    Dan M 13:03 (95, mua)
    Sarah 11:15 (53 power, box dip/ band)
    Trini 7:55 (25, rr/ box dip)
    Bhargav 10:50 (15# hand pwr sn, band/ box)
    Eva 9:00 (20, box/band)
    Erik 6:48 (75, trans/ dip)
    Kim 9:27 (35 clean, trans/band)

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