
W.O.D. 12.31.18

For time:
Calories Row
Push Jerk (75/115#)

Community Notes:
TODAY we are offering the following classes.
5:15 (express), 6:00, 7:00 9:30 AM (with babysitting), 12:15 (express) and 3:30 PM

Tomorrow we will be CLOSED for New Years Day.

"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."
 – Zig Ziglar


  1. 5:15/6/7a
    Pete D 15:54 HPC
    Sean s 12:15 Rx
    Christine 15:05 65#
    Todd W 16:21 95#

    Sam B 9:57 Rx
    Brian S 10:42 Rx
    Farrah 15:27 45#
    Angelo 12:53 Rx
    Jeff G 14:00 65#

    Dana D 13:12:Rx
    Meg O 14:14 strict press @53#
    Theresa L 14:00 Rx
    Danielle G 11:56 Rx
    Jeremy D 12:23 Rx
    Anna C 14:51 55#
    Marla 14:09 65#

  2. 9:30am
    RAJ 13:16 rx
    Jamie S 11:59 rx
    Laura a 13:21 53
    Mary H 14:45 65
    Mark S 11:24 HPC
    Randy 12:10 105
    Kevin H 12:23 95
    Laura a 11:16
    Jill A 11:46Rx
    Jeff P 9:36rx
    Kate S ouch
    Alex L 12:42 85
    Julia C 13:28 45

  3. 12:15pm
    Greg R 12:14 75
    Rich a 10:53 rx
    Mike Mc 12:20 55
    Subham 12"08 85
    Refer 12:27 rx
    Colleen 11:49 rx
    karen M 12:14 55
    Gordy 12:50 95
    Alex Th 13:20 55
    Cherie 14:36 50
    Ben M 13:48 95
    Jessie S 13:26 65

  4. Steve z 15:22 15db
    Lea w 13:43 rx
    Neil do 10:29 105
    Nikki 14:02 rx
    Andrew m 10:55 bs
    Kayla c 9:34 rx
    Kevin t 13:14 95
    Adam r 12:58rx
    Alex tu 15:43 some dl@95
    Sydney 17:49 55
    Greg a 14:49 95
    Sarah j 14:20 53
    Donna g 12:42 55
    King 14:14 rx
    Mike m 15:10 sc
