
Athlete of the Month: Laura Altimari

Hometown: KoP Current Location: Plymouth Meeting for a few more weeks then back to Conshy I go. 

Age: 3...1? Younger than AMM. 😉

Occupation: Health Care Compliance (Thanks to KING! J & J in the house.)

College: Temple University - Go Owls!

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 3 years

Did you ever play sports? I played a variety of field sports growing up then rowed in college.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? Oh my goodness. Isn't CrossFit our hobby?! I enjoy cooking and baking but I wish I had more time to experiment with both. Never enough time. 

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? When I wrapped up my senior year of rowing at Temple, I thought that was the most fit I'd ever be in my life and that remaining fit after college would be a struggle. My biggest achievement since starting CrossFit is that I've proven the 21-year-old Laura wrong. I may not be as fast a rower as I was then, but I'm no longer a specialist, and that is okay. I'm stronger and faster at so many other activities and I'm much more in tune with nutrition. #trainforlongevity

What skill have you been working on during all of 2018? Beating the weekday traffic on Main Street at 5:25pm. I have a love-hate relationship with BMUs and I've been trying to increase efficiency with butterfly pull-ups and HSPUs.

Goals for the rest of this year? Not to let all the holiday jazz crush my nutrition goals. I have allowed some poor eating habits to resurface and I haven't been tracking macros much this fall. I want to get back to basics and avoid allowing the holiday season to be an excuse to disregard nutrition goals. Fitnessing feels so much better when my nutrition is dialed in.

What's your favorite WOD? Three come to mind- Helen, Isabel and Fight Gone Bad.

How about your favorite food/snacks? OMELETTES. Crispy bacon. Chips and Salsa/Guac. Banana with peanut butter. Gnocchi (Don't bother trying to macro these bad boys. Enjoy them and move on.) 

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? I used to practice Bikram yoga, which is a totally different type of intensity than CrossFit, but it certainly qualifies as crazy.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Any multiple RM Strict Press. I have legs, let me use them! 

Favorite lift/movement? Pistols and Snatch. The snatch can be extremely frustrating, but I find it to be the most gratifying when done successfully.

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Strict Press

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? My thumb tape. I'm still trying to find grips that fit well. If I had them, they'd be my favorite. Currently accepting suggestions.

What would you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? Being happy with doing my best on that particular day and the improvements I've made with pull-ups. One of my first workouts as a CF KoP member was Helen. I used a thick green band to do pull-ups. It took me nearly 15 minutes to complete the WOD and I almost killed Josh for talking to me during the runs. Now I am able to complete Helen Rx in sub-10 minutes and Josh only irritates me a little. 😜

Who is your favorite coach? A majority of the technical improvements I've made and difficult skills I've accomplished have been in the company of Keith and a result of his instruction. Keith gives it to you straight if you're being a shit and holds people to the standards, all because he is invested in seeing our members improve. His instruction is consistent and thorough, and although he may at times claim to "not give a care", he does. If you're not already doing rope climbs with a J-hook, holy moly grab Keith for 2 minutes. Game changer. It has been really neat to watch a few of the coaches evolve from their days as shadowers and interns to valuable members of the coaching team. Each of our coaches brings a unique element to this community and I sincerely appreciate the guidance I receive and friendships I've developed with each of you. Thank you for the time you dedicate and energy you all expend to make each of the athletes better every day.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?... I'm psyched that I'm more consistent in hitting larger sets of dubs and HSPUs in WODs. I'm proud to have gotten a few ring muscle-ups in 2018, but I'm not happy that they are few and far between. I hit a 130lb snatch in 2018 and I'm looking forward to seeing what 2019 will bring. 

I also want to mention how grateful I am for our community and the friendships I've gained since becoming a member. CF KoP has provided a space for me to strengthen bonds with old friends and establish new lifelong relationships. Happy Holidays, y'all! See you at Festivus! #partyon

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