
W.O.D. 11.2.18

Join us this Thanksgiving 
(schedule above)

We have two special events over the Thanksgiving Holiday: 
THE AMAZING RACE at 8:00AM on Thanksgiving Morning- FREE for friends and family.
BURN THE BIRD (90 minute fitness) at 11:00 AM on Saturday the 24th!

AMRAP in 20 Mintues:
40 Calories Row
30 Wallballs 14/20# to 9/10 ft
20 Burpees
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Score is total reps
1 Round = 100 reps

Community Notes:
Saturday classes will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb St. Please meet and park on the same side of the Annex.

"All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination."
 - Earl Nightingale



  1. Kevin B 300 Rx
    Jeremy D 286 Rx
    Brian s 312!rx
    Nikki m 310 Rx
    Ellie 220 Rx
    Susan a 229 pull-ups
    Holly F 239 band pull ups
    Colleen 259 pull-ups
    Jamie Sp 247 Rx
    Theresa L 276 20# WB FS/pushups
    Ben m 242 pull ups

    Mike P 264 Rx
    Chip 222 Rx
    Justin c Rx
    Megan o 290 box wb/25 cal

  2. 9:30 AM
    Emily G 221 10# kip swings
    Ina 198 10# ball band
    Mary H 196 12# ball
    Lesley 198 8# JPU
    Michael C 232 Rx
    Barb Z 190sc
    Jackie H 204 rx

  3. 12:15
    Aimee 300 rx
    Gordy 247 rx
    Dana 265 rx
    Pete D 277 rx
    Micah 266 rx
    Cal 240 Rx + 30# WB
    Mark P 222 ROM PU
    Matt T 221 ROM PU
    Tim H 200 PU
    Meredith 208 PU
    Greg A 211 rx
    Cherie 180 band pu

  4. 2:30pm Nova
    Mike D 236 Pull up/14
    Heather 285 bndpull
    Bri 266 jump/10
    ashley 248 pullup

    Anna L 300rx
    kim (anna's Mom) 265 pull up
    Gia 219 Pull
    Liz H 219 bnd pull /12
    jess a 175 jump
    devon 199 8/jump
    jaime o 206 10/bndpull
    jill h 210 12/bndstrict
    nicole m 210 pull up

    alona k 269 pushups
    kyle g 212 pull up
    mike m 223 14/pullup
    karen m 234 bandstrict/6
    jill a 276 rx
    danielle G 239 bnd

  5. 7am

    Matt D: 229 RX
    Sam B: 300 RR
    Joelle W: 200 rom C2B
    Anna C: 205 10 lb, kb swing, strict pullup
    Jess M: 219 12 lb, strict banded
    Joe C: 242 RX
    Esra B: 201 RR
    Raj: 192 RX

    Alex T: 240 pull up
    Andrew M: 316 RX
    Greg: 242 16 RR
    Amy: 170 RR 8lb ball
    Remer: 305 RX
    Joe S: 309 RX
    Kayla: 325 RX
    Adam: 243 RX
    Lea: 288 RR
    Noel: 245 RX
    Steph M: 223 RX
    Caitlyn B: 216 Pu
    Braden: 300 RX
    Jeff P: 300 RX
    Tom H: 240 Strict PU
    Randy: 293 RX
    Todd: 240 strict pu, 15 lbs

    Lucas 271 RX
    Neil D A: 256 RX
    Neil D P: 234 RX
    May: 211 mbc rr
    Chak: 244 16
    Michael M: 243 15# RR
