
W.O.D. 11.10.18

3 Rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (275/185#)
15 Burpees
30 Pistols (alternating R/L)

Community Notes:
ALL CLASSES today will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb St. Please meet and park on the same side of the Annex.

"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present." -Jim Rohn

1 comment:

  1. 9am:
    Pete D: 12:55 245, 5lb plate
    Trini: 14:39 45, sc pistol
    Colleen B: 12:40 155, 17 box
    Ray: 15:45 135, 20 inch box pistol
    Esra: 18:20 pistol sc
    Raj: 15:09 sc pistol 155
    Rahmon: 16:13 155
    Mike S: 17:18 155 sc pistol
    Matt B: 18:00 115 sc pistol

    Carter: 12:22 135 sc pistol
    Donna: 12:01 135 sc pistol
    Emily G: 12:01 83 sc pistol
    Alex B: 13:10 105 sc pistol
    John M: 18:25 225
    Randy M: 15:35 225 sc pistol
    Cal: 13:48 245 1/2 box pistol
    Corey: 12:03 245 sc pistol
    Steph M: 15:22 145 20 pistol
    Caitlyn B: 14:30 145 sc pistol
    Steph C: 14:50 115, sc ball pistol
    Erika: 13:35 115 sc pistol
    Becky S: 13:08 135 sc pistol
    Tom: 15:40 225 sc pistol
    Lucas S: 13:30 225 sc pistol

    *sc pistol= leg wrapped around back of standing leg.
