

In June we celebrate our classes!

We all have our favorite class times and it's these smaller communities within the larger community that make it great!

In the spirit of June's theme we will find out which class time is the fittest, with our first ever CLASH OF THE CLASSES competition!

Our classes will be divided into three teams;
Morning (5:15/6:00/7:00am),
Day Time (9:30am/12:15/3:30pm)
Evening (4:30/5:30/6:30/7:30pm)

Every Monday in June your scores on the workout of the day will count towards the average for the class time team that is represented by the time you perform the workout. You will be able to choose to perform the workouts RX or Scaled (there will be a specific option for this). We will also enforce standards and use judges for these workouts.

To celebrate the winners and end of the "Clash of the Classes" please join us for a Happy Hour on Friday, June 29th at the Conshohocken Brewpub (across the street from the box) starting at 5:30pm.

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