
W.O.D. 5.4.18

Test Day- Record Results
For Time:
30 Snatches (95/135)

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.19.18

Skill Cash- Out:
5 sets of :30 second L- Sit Hold

Community Notes:
All classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb) on Saturday, May 5th.
Classes will be in the main gym on Sunday, May 6th.

“Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.” 
—Frank Tyger


  1. 5:15/6a
    Alex P 3:25 55# (65# for first few reps).
    Mike San 2:01 95# Power Cleans
    Brian S 3:03 115# PR!!
    Jeremy 2:02 Rx
    Ben M 4:14 95#
    Holly F 4:18 65# pr!
    Kevin B 1:56 95# PR!
    Laura A 4:41 Rx PR!

    George (drop in) 3:14 115# PR!!
    Nikki M 3:43 85# PR!

  2. 930
    Mary h 1:33 (15)
    Jackie h 1:47 (65)
    Kevin h 2:30 (95)
    Jill h 3:03 (75)
    Michael r 2:56 (95) pr!
    Ben v 2:45 rx
    Connie v 2:33 rx
    Jazmin 2:22 (35)
    Tori 2:12 (55)

  3. 12:15
    Tim h 2:41(80)
    Nicole n 2:55 (63 power clean)

  4. 330
    Greg a 5:35 (75)
    Lydia 2:39 (35)
    Sydney 4:06 (65)

    Abby m 3:12 (35)
    Luda 2:56 (35)
    Justin 5:04 rx
    Andrew m 2:44 rx
    Jimmy 1:57 rx- thanks for stopping in!
    Megan o 3:18 rx
    Kate s 2:36 (65)
    Karen m 3:30 (75)
    Dani 3:22 (70) pr
    Donna g 2:31 (60) pr

  5. 7am:
    Matt D: 4:10 (55)
    Raj: 3:44 (85)
    Danielle G: 3:31 (85)
    Megan W: 4:20 (45)
    Neil D:3:01 (115)
    Jess M: 2:34 (55) PR!
    JB: 2:57 (55)
    Randy M: 3:08 (95)

    Nathan: 2:33 RX PR! (Thanks for Dropping in!)
    Jeff P: 4:21 RX PR!
    Jen C: 4:14 RX PR!
    Joe S: 2:39 RX PR!
    Mariana: 3:26 (75)
    Shawna P: 3:25 (65)
    Brian Z: 5:00 (95)
    Caitlyn B: 3:32 (60)

    6:30 P
    Dan M: 2:42 (85)

    Awesome work!
