
W.O.D. 4.6.18

Blog Hack

Happy Birthday Coach Aimee!!!

No one has had the impact on my life that Aimee has.  Not only did I know she was the one the moment I saw her, I knew immediately that my life would never be the same.  Her passion for helping people and bringing out our best is infectious and it makes me want to be better in everything I do.  I cannot imagine where I would be without her and it makes me so proud that her dream is to share that passion with each of you.  Aimee's legacy will never be for sale at a yard sale...she does not pour her heart into this gym for material things that Chloe and Gavin will eventually give to good will...she pours her heart into CrossFit KoP to make each of us better so that we inspire those around us which will live on in perpetuity.  She is my Wonder Woman/Super Woman and it seems that she was always destined to be.  Aimee, you mean the world to me and I know you mean a lot to a lot of people in the gym.  Never stop being you...ever...or I will send the Dirty Aimee in the bottom picture after you.  Happy 40th Baby...I love you.  

For time (25 minute cap):

10-20-30-40 reps of

GHD Sit-ups
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Overhead Squat (65#-45#)

40' Handstand walk after each round

The ladder is ascending because things get harder when you get older.  

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.”
—John Pierpont “J.P.” Morgan


  1. Love a good blog hack!! Very nice message, Jason!
    Happy 40th, Aimee! I hope tomorrow is a great day!

  2. BeautifulšŸ’–
    Happy Birthday Aimee!!

  3. Happy birthday Aimee! Can’t wait to celebrate and WOD with you tomorrow... (Even though it means skipping my favorite benchmark, HELL-en, to partake in this massacre!)

  4. Good news Aimee - the 40s are even better than the 30s! Thanks for all that you do. Hope your birthday is absolutely awesome :-)

  5. 515/6/7

    Brian S 267 pu, shoulder touch att
    Kevin B 270 Rx
    Theresa 24:57 Rx
    Mike S 204 god/abmat/4wall walkes
    Ellie 240 pu/ 20shoulder touches

    Jeremy 284 (front squats)
    Dana D 19:04 scale (33#, pu/absu
    Holly 277 (banded pu)
    Jen C 324
    Angelo 25:18 cap
    Sam B 324 band sit-ups

    Mark Ch 259/am
    Justin C 262 shoulder touches
    JP 244 Rom butterfly pull-up practice/20ab
    Kate C 224 pullups
    Raj 204 pull-ups, 40lifts
    Erika 245 pu,
    Megan W 191, pull-ups banded
    Alexandra B 220 banded pull-ups, shoulder taps
    Missy F 234, banded pu, wall walks
    Esra 234 1/2 ghd, 1/2 pull-ups, 40shsh

  6. 930am
    Denise W 17:55 (1/2 reps, pu)
    Michael R 299 (1/2 ghd, 1/2 ab, 10 shoulder taps)
    Johnny 312 (pu/ shoulder taps, abmat)
    Connie 230 (35,ghd/11 abmat, banded pu, kick up)
    Laura C 302 (23#, j pull ups, abmat, bear crawl)
    Barb Z 204 (sit up, ski erg, 15#)
    Nikki 328 (shoulder taps)
    Greg 210 =]
    Jackie 264 (1/2 pu, push up)
    Manisha 292 (40 rr + shoulder tap)

  7. Aimee 20:448 RX- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    Nikki W 21:29
    Steph V 20:59 (abmat, 33 rom, rr, bc)
    Gordy 25:55 (pu, 45)
    Pete D 25:00 (abmat, wall walks)
    Tim H 19:41 (204, pu, ab, 45, bc)
    Gina W 22:13 (pu/hs holds)
    John W (284 (pu, 20')
    Granny 25:58 rx
    Jesse =]
    Meredith 249 (pu, hand lifts)
    Cate K 23:30 sc
    Cherie 269 (band,15, abmat, bc)
    Micah 312 (pu)
    Pam 25:51 (pu)
    Panos 25:55 (abmat)
    Ross 26 (1/2 ab, 1/2 pu, 1/2 c2b, 1/2 ghd, no hs walks)
    Julia 25:00 (15,rom, abmat, bc)
    Rich A 24:56 (abmat)

  8. 3:30
    John m 25:52 (ww/Bc, pull bnd,abm)
    Josh m 24:10rx
    Jill a 330rx
    Alex th 304 pull ups /free kick ups x8
    Joe m 23:54 abm/half rep C2B/bc
    Karen m 24:33 pull-ups bc
    Liz 24:58 rom ghd/rr/free kick upx8
    Randy m 23:27 55/pull ups/bc

  9. Happy Birthday Coach Aimee!

    Andrew M: 20:06 RX
    Jeff P:24:03 RX
    Mariana: 245, PU, Shld Tap Att
    Lauren D: 259, 15 hip extension, banded PU, 35# HS walk attempt
    Kat: 176 ROM PU. 35# Shld taps
    Alison K: 226 ring row, shld taps
    Matt D: 23:59 5 C2B+banded pu, 35#, bear crawl
    Cait B: 228: pu, shld tap
    Jenna: :). Happy early / birthday! <3
    Joe S: 274 C2b EROM, HS walk att
    Alona: 284, banded C2B shld taps

    Megan O: 24:40 Pull up, 55#
    Ryan M: 271. pu, hanstand hold, ROM GHD
    Caitlyn M: 304, ambit situp/GHD, banded pU,40# hs hold
    Nicole M: 24:32: 1/2 GHD, PU, shld tap attempt, ROM PU
    Chak K: 330 ab mat, banded pu, 45# wall walk
    Madhu: 252: abmat, banded rom PU, 25# HS hold
    Danielle A: 22:33 1/2 GHD, 35# PU: 10-10-20-20, HS Hold
