
W.O.D. 3.19.18

Senior Chief Petty Officer Thomas J. Valentine, 37, of Ham Lake, Minnesota, died in a training accident in Arizona, on Feb. 13.


"Tommy V" 
 For time: 
 21 Thrusters (75/115#) 
12 Rope Climb ascents 15ft
 15 Thrusters (75/115#) 
9 Rope Climb ascents 15ft
9 Thrusters (75/115#) 
6 Rope Climb ascents 15ft

"The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools." 



  1. 5:15a
    Theresa L 19:19 Rx
    Mike S 25:21 (85#)
    Laura S 18:00 (65#/4x3pulls)
    Kevin B 21:09 (95#)
    Ben M 25:05 (8-6-4 rope climbs)
    John K 22:40 Rx
    Ellie 20:17 (9-7-5 rope climbs)

  2. 930am
    Steph V 15:42 (63 rom, hook ins/pulls)
    Jackie 7:26 (fs, banded pu)
    Laura C 20 wish (45, hook ins)
    Connie 20:27 (53, rca)
    Barb 9:54 (25, rr)
    Kevin H 22:03 (95)
    Mary H 21:14 (55, 2 j hook)
    Tori 20:21 (55, rca)
    Edwin 14:13 (75, pu, 1 rc)

  3. 330
    McHugh 13:39 (65, 3/2/1 rc)
    Jonathan B 19:43 (45)

    Jill H 21:07 (65, 5/4/1 rc)
    Julie R 16:40 (65, 6/4/4)
    Alex T 21:22 (65. 6/3/1)
    Alex Th 20:06 (55, 6/5/4 rc)
    Karen M 16:47 (5/4/3, 65)
    Remer 24:30 rx Short ropes
    Olan 26:43 (95, 9/6/3)
    Mike M 26:07 (65, 9/7/5)
    Lucille 21:00 (3/2/1 rc, 45)
    Tricia 20:00 (4/3/2, 45)
    Kate S 21:38 (8/6/4, 55)
    Donna G 19:19 (55, 6/5/4 rc)

  4. 530
    Erika R 16:35 (55, 1/2 rc)
    Alona 21:22 (65)
    Noel S 24:23 (95, 12/6/6 pulls)
    Shawna 13:46 (55, 5/4/3 j hook att)
    Sarmad 14::36 (75 pulls)
    Ryan S 24:36 (85)
    Jilla 16:52 rx
    Braden 19:21 rx
    Joe S 16:52 rx
    Rich A 16:56 rx

    Mike Roth 20:53 (95. 9/7/5)
    Sean S 29:52 rx
    Brian =]
    Madhu 22:35 (33, 6/6/3 rca)
    Kyle G 28:11 (95)
    Andrew M 14:24 rx
    Caitlyn 21:32 (65, 4/2/1)
    Steph C 16:20 (55, 5/5/5)
    Ashley Mc 13:50 (55 rom, 21/15/9 foot holds)
    Erik 22:00 (75, 9/5/3)
    Danielle G 21:46 (9/7/5)
    Mike C 20:53 (75, 9/7/5)
    Dave N 29:46 (95)

  5. 6am
    jeff H 22:00 8/6/4 RCA
    jeremy D 24:14 95
    Justin C 17:48 Rx
    Manisha 26:01 65
    mark Sp 19:46 95
    Dana D 24:51 rx

  6. 7am
    Jess m 27:54 65, 8/6/3 (first time doing multiple climbs in a wod!!!)
    kevin L :)
    Joe c :)
    kate C 26:23 65
    anna c 20:00 45 8/6/4 RCA
    RAJ 28:27 8/6/4 RCA
    Meg W 27:13 3x hookin 55

  7. Nooner
    Lauren D 13:31 55 3/3/3 RCA
    Meredith 20:11 65 4/2/1
    Julia M 20:42 65 9/7/5 RCA
    Kevin T 22:22 95
    Jenna 21:41 9/7/5
