
W.O.D. 2.24.18

Bench Press

Cash Out:
AMRAP in 7min
15 Cals Air Bike
15 Front Squats 75/115#
15 GHD Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Join us TOMORROW to conclude our Nutrition Challenge at 12:00 PM!

We will be hosting a potluck for you to bring your favorite dish or snack to share.

T-shirts will be picked up and measurements and photos will be retaken with Aimee, Steph, or Jenna...we will start final measurements about 10:30 AM.

The winner of the challenge will win a FREE month of membership and a King Kong Bag!

"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them." 
-Ann Landers

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Mike Ro 135 2+8 95
    Laura S 80 2 55 plank
    Karen S 70 1+23 55 10ghd
    Kat 85 1+10 55
    Sue K 80 2+2 35 ab


    Lea 85 2+7 ab
    Nicole M 90 1+37 Rx
    Joe T 195 2+5 ab
    Mark C 195 2+4 95 ab
    Joe M 195 2+5 back squat
    Kevin H 205 2+6 Rx
    Madu 43 1+5 55
    Erika R 85 2 55
    Lindsey 85 1+40 65 ab
