
W.O.D. 12.21.17

Thanks for dropping in Don!

 Thanks Mae for the amazing stained glass!

New Kids shirts have arrived!!!

Shoulder press 

Push press 

Push Jerk 

Advent Day 21:
Best time for a 1000 Meter Row
Male/Female Winner

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”


  1. 8:30/9:30
    Aimee 93/133/143
    Cate 128, 140, 123
    Andrew 165, 205, 225
    Meg 100, 155, 170
    Jenna 88, 115, 120
    Gordy 130,175 185

    Jess A 80, 85, 95
    Steph V 105 125, 115
    Mary H 80 PR, 105, 105
    Jill H 85, 115, 105
    Nicole R 78 bench x5 15 DB Press x3

  2. 6amer, 7amer Rizzults

    Dana D 75, 100, 105
    Danielle 85, 100, 105
    Laura S. 75, 100, 95
    Kevin B 125, 150, 165
    Justin C 130, 175, 175

    Joe C 155, 165, 175
    Anna C 70, 90, 85
    Raj. 95, 125, 135
    Kate C 65, 80, 85

  3. Panos 175/195/185
    Olan 145/175/175
    Rich a 180pr/ 215/205
    Marissa 90 pr/105/115
    Denise w 90/120/115
    Tim h 125/145/150
    Carl 145/160/160
    Kevin t 130/145/150
    Barb z 58/73/73
    Dad 73/83/93
    Mom 45/38/50
    Ina 63/70/70
    Anne 38/78/70
    Terry 68/83/73

  4. 430
    Matt 155/175/185
    Don 115/140/145
    King 145/155/185
    Kevin h 170 pr/185/165
    Lindsay 75/85/90
    Josh mc 135/185/165
    Joe m 155/165/135
    Julia d 75/95/105

    Flounder 125/135/135
    Noel 125/155/145
    Joe j 145/165/155
    Remer 135/185/195
    Chris 115/165/165
    Josh ?/?/165
    Cat 70/75/?
    Jp 175/200/195(175?)
    Shawna 75/90/95

  5. 6:30p/7:30p
    Erik F 135/155/145
    Ben T 117.5/165/165
    Nicole M 80/90/95(PR!)
    Kyle G 95/115/95

    Michael R 120/150/140 All PRs!! 2rep PJ @ 150
