
W.O.D. 11.9.17

For time:
27-21-15-9 reps of:
Calorie Row
Thruster (65/95#)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
(rest 1:00 minute after each set)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110C DeKalb. Please meet and park there. 

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. "
-Stephen Hawking


  1. 6/7am

    King 21:16 Rx
    Kevin B 23:18 Rx
    Ellie 24:08 (reg pull-ups)
    Jeff B 26:44 Rx
    Mark Sp 27:50
    Katie M 29:47 (45#, 12pullups each set)

    Mike Sim 18:03 Rx
    Kate K 33:39 (55#, 1/2 C2B each set)
    Joe C 30:08 75#

  2. 8:30/9:30 AM
    Aimee 17:30 Rx
    Cate 19:22 Pull-ups
    Kevin H 22:23 Rx
    Gabby 25:08 RR 33# :)

    Pull-up scale (13-11-7-5)
    Mary H 22:05 55#
    Jess M 21:04 45#/ROM
    Edwin 23:53 strict C2B

  3. 12:15
    Dana 21:55 Rx
    Pete 22:10 85#
    Tim H 19:54 75# 1/2 PU
    Olan 24:40 75#
    Pam G 21:37 Rx
    Gia 24:28 1/2 PU
    Kate M 23:40 55PP 1/2 PU
    Meredith 22:42 1/2 PU
    Gordy 21:51 75# PU

    1/2 PU 1/2 Thrusters
    Dianne 19:40 45/band
    Terry 19:43 45#
    Mom 19:35 23 band
    Ina 19:40 45 ROM PU
    Anne B 19:52 45/floss

    Ryan S 26:01 75#
    JillA 19:52 Rx
    Brian R 22:25 RR 65# ROM
    Karen M 20:35 12:15 1/2 PU
    Mike M 19:50 1/2 PU 65#
    Donna 18:12 1/2 PU 45#
    Lucille 21:49 45# 1/2 PU
    Alex T 17:56 45#/1/2 PU
    Rich A 18:20 Rx

    Angel 19:02 Rx
    Giulia 2:00 65PP
    Mike Remer 17:20 35DB SA GHD
    Jenna 16:53 20# DB SA GHD
    Kat 23:08 45/ROM PU
    Sarmad 23:34 75/RR
    Twinnie 23:55 55 ROM
    Josh P 24:39 65 PU
    Cherie 24:15 35/scband
    Kyle G 23:38 PU, band, 75

  4. Tia 23:13 1/2 pu
    Danielle 22:36 pu
    Erik 23:57, 75#, 1/2 C2B
    Alona 23:14 pu
    Mariana 18:52 65# FS, ghds
    Caitlyn 24:33 55#, bnd
    Sean 22:23 75# 1/2 C2B
    Esra 26:32 55#, 1/2 pu bnd
    Kris 26:18 55#, 11-9-5-5 pua

    Adam DNF

  5. Correction:
    Kat - 35#
    Also totally missed the 1 minute rests, so estimated adjusted time 26:08
