
W.O.D. 11.27.17

Join us on Friday at 7:30PM for this Special Yoga Class- with Tori.
Vinyasa and Vino; a charity event for CHOP. 
$20 suggested donation and bring some wine to share for a social afterwards.
Everyone is welcome. NO prior experience is necessary.

3 Rounds for time of:
20 Wallballs 14/20 to 9/10 ft
20 Burpees
500 Meter Row
20 Kettlebell Swings 35/55#
20 Box Jumps 20/24"

“Don't mistake activity with achievement.”
 ― John Wooden


  1. 515
    King 24:45 rx
    Theresa 21:32 rx
    Mike San 31:18 rx
    Kevin 20:32 rx
    Ellie 22:49 rx
    Ben m 28:32 rx

  2. The rx across from my name looks great, but I have to disclaim it. I used a 14# wallball. Thanks!

  3. 9:30 AM
    Cat O 24:08 Rx
    Bryant 20:26 Rx
    Mary H 27:33 12# WB
    Kevin H 24:01 rx
    Lauren D 25:38 step up/20 cal bike/PU
    Jill H 23:56 Rx
    Keith B 22:59 Rx
    Steph V 26:57 ROM 12"
    Laura S 22:19 Russian Swings

  4. 12:15
    Mike Si 21:10 rx
    Jenna K 24:06 rus
    Matt T 26:37 rus 44, 14#
    Cherie 31:17 14, 18, 13"
    Kevin T 24:13 rx
    Joe M 27:41 rx
    Pete D 22:54

    Holly F 26:42 12#, 17" ROM
    Alex P 26:39 12#
    Dave H 20:46 rx

    Giulia 22:43 rx
    Manny 30:55 45# 20"
    Mike R 17:27 rx
    Julia M 29:15 10# 26# 17"
    Kyle B 27:32 5 bj, Plate 6#, 10 WB, 15 kbs, 20 pu
    Julie R 25:15 rx
    Karen 26:08 17"
    Alex T. 24:43 rx
    Kate S 25:28 rx
    Therese 32:00 15 reps 17" 26#

    Laura A 18:15 rx
    Dana 20:42 rx
    Twinnie 24:10 rx
    Mariana 22:30 rx
    Michael C. 25:57 14#
    Rob C 28:30 rx
    Angela 18:21 rx
    Olan 28:22 rx
    Lucille 24:30, 15 rep, 17", 25kb, 10#
    Erika R 24:44 ROM Wb

  5. 630

    Alona 22:05 Rx
    Nicole 26:18 12# to 8'
    Sarmad 26:30 14#, 35#
    Erik 28:00 16#, 20", 40#
    Caitlyn 27:01 Rx
    Sean 26:36 Rx
    Michael Roth 22:31 Rx
    Gia 25:26 8'
    Tia 26:55 Rx
    Danielle 20:43 Rx
    Kris 28:34 Rx


  6. 7am
    Mae t 31:40 10/26/step
    Joe c 26:20rx
    Kat b 27:13 8/26/12
    Anna :) 10/26/step
    Raj 31:07 Rx
    Kate c 27:35rx
    Jess m 22:15 rus

  7. 12:15
    Mike si 21:10rx
    Jenna k 24:06 rus
    Matt t 26:37 44rus 14
    Cherie 31:17 18/13
    Kevin t 24:13rx
    Joe m 27:41 Rx
    Pete d 22:54rx
