
W.O.D. 11.14.17

For time:
5 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
50 Double Unders
4 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
40 Double Unders
3 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
30 Double Unders
2 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
20 Double Unders
1 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
10 Double Unders

*Scale to strict pull-ups or scale the volume of the reps.

Community Notes:
Mark your calendars for Mobility class this Wednesday at 5:30PM in the Annex Upstairs with Shawna!

"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."
-Elbert Hubbard


  1. 6am
    Kevin 7:31*
    Theresa 8:13*
    Justin 10:18 (mua)
    Dana d 8:55 *
    Laura s 10:15* rom
    Mike San 9:18*
    Katie m 14:38 (band 2x, singles)
    Mark spak 10:50 (2x pu att)

    Joe 7:22 *
    David bb8:54 (8-6-4-2-1)

    *= 2x strict pull ups

  2. Mary h 13:09 2x bnd st pu & bnd dip
    Jill h 14:38 2x bnd strict pu & bnd dip
    Miranda 13:33 rr/bnd dip

  3. 12:15
    Carl 17:45 2x PU, AMU's
    Mike Sim 10:24 Rx
    JP 13:05 (AMU's)
    Pam 6:41 weighted PU and DU
    Tim H 13:27 2x PU (1/4 DU)
    Meredith 10:10 2x PU (1/2 DU)
    Nicole R 11:18 pullups/attempts
    Angelo :) skill day
    Matt T 14:21 2XPU 1/2 DU
    Kevin T 5:00 Weighted PU and DU
    Joe M 7:29 2 x PU (1/2 DU)
    Josh 12:20Rx

    Masters 1:00
    4 Rounds:
    1 Minute Station Rotation
    Strict PU, DU, Goblet Squat, Burpee
    Barb C 197
    Mom 167
    Dad 175
    Ina 253
    Terry 213

  4. 4:30PM
    Nicole M 10:15 2x band PU 1/2DU
    Rich A 5:13 rx
    Alex T 10:42 2x band PU 1/2DU
    Jill A 9:17 3/3/3/2/1-AMU's- aimee assisted muscle ups
    Regi 7:55 Pulls AMU's
    Regan 7:43 11 MU and some AMU's (thanks for dropping in!)
    Kat 11:58 2x band PU 1/2DUA
    Julie R 12:20 2x band PU 1/2DU
    Julia 12:27 2x band PU 1/2DUA
    Brian R 13:10 2x band PU/ 15 DUA
    Noel 12:52 3/3/3/2/1-AMU's- aimee assisted muscle ups *** first strict MU!!!!

  5. Neil 9:44 (1/2 dua, pu rom)
    Bryan 7:09 (2x pu, 1/2 du)
    Heleen 7:31 (band)
    Raj 5:26 (band)

  6. Laura A 4:14 strict pu
    Mike Roth 6:40 2x pu
    Josh P 4:12 strict pu
    Alona :)
    Twinnie 5:49 strict pu
    Mariana 7:30 dua, band
    Hunter 8:07 strict pu
    Cherie 9:40 dua, band
    Manny 10:28 strict pu
    Kyle B 12:13 sc
    Steph C 5:10 band
    Matt B 6:33 band
    Remer 7:15 giulia assisted strict mu, first strict mu!!!
    Lucille 8:27 dua, band

  7. Sorry for the delay 6:30!
    Arielle 9:27 2xSu/strictPu&Pdip
    Cass 9:06 Bnd RD&BndStrictPU
    Mike Co 9:56 2xstrict/5bndRD
    Lauren D 8:36 2x StrictPU/1/2 Du
    Erik F 10:07 2xstrictpu&bndRd/half DU
    Caitlyn B 8:41 bnd Rd&bndStrictPull
    Wes 10:20 2xSu/rr&pdipx2
    Giulia 8L41 StrictPU&RD with Vest
