
W.O.D. 9.24.17

Push Press

EMOM for 8 Minutes
Minute 1: 12 Burpees over the Bar
Minute 2: 9 Shoulder to Overhead (at 80% of 3 RM)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, PLEASE PARK IN THE MAIN PARKING LOT, not the Annex lot. There is a lot going on this weekend in the neighborhood. thanks!

"The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has been before." 
 —Albert Einstein

1 comment:

  1. Theresa 110; Rx @ 85#
    May 90; sc @ 60#, 8 burps
    Matt B 185; sc @ 135#, 10 burpees
    Angelo 205; sc @ 155#, 10 burpees
    Alan 75# PR!; sc @ 155# 8 S2O
    Mark C 185 PR!; 6 Rnds @ 135#
    Donna 95 PR!; sc @ 75#, 8 burpees

    Gordy 160; sc @ 125# 6 S2O
    Bryan 125; DNF
    King 165; Rx @ 135#
    Jonathan P 225; sc @ 185# 6 S2O
    Erika R 85; sc @ 55# 8 S2O, 10 burpees
    Sarah S 80; sc @ 55# 4 S2O
    Kate :)
    Alona 110 PR!; sc @ 85# 7 S2O, 9 burpees
