
W.O.D. 5.28.17

3 Rounds for time of:
25 Power Snatch (55/75#)
25 Front Squat (55/75#)

Community Notes: 
Join us tomorrow for Memorial Day at 10AM for "MURPH" or OPEN strength.
 We will also be running a CrossFit Kids class at the same time and offer FREE BABYSITTING!

Everyone is welcome!

"Success… seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit." 
-Conrad Hilton


  1. 9 am
    Sydney h. 12:53 1 rd 35#, 2 rds 15 (15 reps)

    10 am
    Erik 14:54 Rx
    Danielle g. 11:19 Rx
    Brian DuRoss 1rd Rx, 1/2 rd 65#, DNF
    Kevin c. 12:13 Rx
    Cline 13:59 Rx


  2. 630

    Kris 19:30 Rx
    Tia 17:43 Rx
    Danielle 9:50 Rx
    Justin 8:44 Rx
    Caitlyn 15:27 Rx!!
    Ash 13:01 rom
    Brandon 15:18 rom
    Nicole 13:45 45#
    Mike Mc 11:40 20# db push press
    Mike C 13:56 65#
    Esra 14:05 45#
    Cline 12:31 65#

