
W.O.D. 5.11.17

 Welcome Manny
 Welcome Holly F

Welcome Alex

5 Rounds for time of:
15 Ring Dips
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
15 Thrusters (95/135#)

(Time cap 18:00 Minutes)

Community Notes:
Please join us for "PROM" on Friday night (May 12th) at 7:00PM. This is a FREE event for all CrossFit KoP members, bring your friend or significant other or come solo!  We will dance, drink and socialize. Bring something to share (food or drink), dress is "vintage thrift" or whatever you choose and get ready to dance the night away!

THERE WILL BE NO 5:30 AND 6:30 PM CLASSES TOMORROW (5/12)--but join us to decorate for PROM!

Energy and persistence conquer all things.
-Benjamin Franklin


  1. 6am
    Mark Sp. 4+2 (75#/band/44#kb)
    Kevin Cy 3+4 (parellettes/115#)
    Kevin B 4+33 (band/95#/53#kb)
    King 4 (95#/band)
    Jeff B 4+4 (95#/band)
    Katie M 3+38 (50#/parellettes/band/44#kb russian)
    Theresa 4+6 (65#/band/44#kb)
    Ellie 4+20 (70#/2floss/44#kb)

  2. 9:30
    Nicole N 2+15 in 14 53# 35#band
    Jill H 3+5 75# 7 dips
    Jill B 18:00 45#/26#/band
    Mary H 3+38 55# band 44#
    Michael R 3+5 7 dips 53# 95#
    Ashley C 4+2 35#/23#/26# 10 reps paralette dips

  3. 12:15
    Denise 3+7 65/53/band
    Mike Sim 3+37 Rx
    Miranda 4 fs65# 44#band
    Pete D 3 10ring dips 65#/44#
    Nicole R 3+20 45#\ 11thrusters 35#band
    Tim H 2+42 band russ 95#
    Pam G 3+3 Rx

  4. AMRAP IN 18min
    5 Pass throughs
    10 Thrusters
    15 Kbs
    Barb C 3+15 35/26#
    Ina 4+25 45/26#
    Terry 4+15 53+, 45/26#

  5. Barb C 3+15 35/26#
    Ina 4 4+25 45/20#
    Terry 4+15 53+ 45/26#
    Giulia 3+15 35/65#
    Kat 18:00 35/18# parall rom
    M Remer 2+4 115#
    Angelo 4+24 95# 53#
    Nicole M 4+10 35/53# band
    Michelle H 17:50 FS 35/26# par
    Holly S 2+37 Rx
    Holly F 4 23/26# paralette
    Keith B 3+33 115#
    Manny 2+36 75/35# band
    Alex :) 4 or 5 35/26# paralette

  6. 530

    Shawna 3+13 bnd, 44/55
    Mark C 3+40 bnd/44/95
    Chris 3+32 bnd/53/105
    Mooney 17:54 53/95
    Aileen 4 bnd 75#
    Josh M 3+37 115
    Donna 3+40 bnd/35/55
    Jilla 3+15 53 Russ/95 FS

    Rob 2+11 Rx
    Christa 4+30 bnd/26/45
    Tia 3+12 bnd/43/65
    Chico 3+2 bnd/53/75
    Steph C 4+1 bnd/35/55
    Matt E 3+8 bnd/95
    Mike C 3+27 bnd/53/95
    Lindsey 4 bnd/35/55
    Sarmad 3 bnd/35/85
    Alona 3+8 bnd/75
    Raj 2+38 bnd

    Caitlyn 3+30 bnd/26/55
    Joe M 2+36 44/75
    Noel 3 44/95
    Andrew 4+32 Rx

