
W.O.D. 2.2.17

Groundhog Day 
Front Squat/Back Squat (45/65#) 8 mats of barbell walking lunges between sets 
 For example: 10 front squats, 10 back squats, walking lunges with barbell, 9 front squats, 9 back squats,  walking lunges with barbell, etc... 

The WOD ends with one final set of lunges.

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.2.11

Community Notes:
Don't forget to sign up for the CrossFit Games OPEN!
CLICK HERE to sign up today!

All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, CrossFit KoP is hosting MAXlift on Saturday and the OLD FOLKS Open on Sunday.

My theory on life is that life is beautiful. Life doesn't change. You have a day, and a night, and a month, and a year. We people change - we can be miserable or we can be happy. It's what you make of your life. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 


  1. 6/7am
    Jason Ly 26:55 Rx
    Laura Alt 11:51 Rx (no bar drop!)
    Kevin B 12:27 Rx
    Ellie H 14:52 Rx
    Katie K 21:29 (25#)

    Paul D 15:14 Rx
    Meg H 15:34 Rx+ (65#)
    Lauren H 15:43 Rx
    Kate K 15:48 Rx

  2. 9:30a
    Jill H 16:52 Rx no bar drop
    Mary H 17:33 33#
    Jessica M 17:35 half with 15#bar/half with no weight
    Luis M 18:47 Rx no lunges after round 6

  3. Denise 10:20 fs/pp/farmers walk 45#
    Kevin h 16:00rx
    Meredith 16:22 bw lunge
    Karen m 17:20 rx
    Rob c dnf
    Nicole m 15:39 bw lunge
    Jp 14:38 rx
    Justin d 20:57 45# bw
    Pam 12:28 rx
    Mr intensity :) rx + 75 outside
    Mike Si :) rx outside

    Nooners had a turn around at 4 mats

  4. Master
    10 to 1
    Front squat
    Push press

    Farmers carry 16 mats in between sets
    Anne b 10:45 33/35kb
    Teresa 10:18 25/26kb
    Terry 10:18 33/35kb
    Ina 10:28 33/35kb
    Sheila 11:27 15/18kb
    Barb c 11:49 15/15db pp/ 35kb

  5. 4:30

    Marissa 15:14 Rx (15)
    Jodilee 16:45 45 (12)
    Nicole 25:24 45 (14)
    Jess A 28:32 Rx (14)
    Alex 17:39 1st Rx (15)
    Samson 16:34 Rx (16)
    Mike M 20:45 45 (12)
    Therese 20:58 35 1(5)
    Mike R 15:43 Rx (13)
    Dave H 15:02 Rx (12)
    Kevin T 18:36 45 (16)
    Neil 17:09 Rx (12)
    Kristen 18:24 Rx (14)
    Olan 18:41 Rx (12)


    Josh P 18:45 Rx
    Josh S 17:14 Rx
    Lex 16:58 25 (13)
    Mariana 16:33 Rx (14)
    Stephanie 17:15 Rx (15)
    Alicia-Marie 15:19 Rx (12) front rack lunge
    Mark Sp 19:20 Rx (12)
    Mark St 13:28 Rx (12)
    Shawna 17:32 Rx (10)

    (#) = lunge steps in place**
    **athletes measured steps to traverse 8 mats**

  6. Diane 14:57 RX
    Nate 19:30 (45#)
    Steph C 17:28 (35#)
    Danielle G 12:13 RX
    Ashley 16:49 RX
    Lindsey 17:58 (35#)
    Ale 15:16 (25#)
    Heleen 16:26 (35#)
    Michael C 17:56 (45#)
    Cline 16:06 RX
    Rich A 11:57 RX
    Joe M 15:22 RX
    TJ 18:11 (45#)
    Jennifer Car DNF
    Donna 16:52 (25#)
    Arya 17:13 (pvc, rom)
    Cindi 16:37 (pvc,rom)

    Dave 16:14 RX
    Andrew 10:51 RX
    Tia 16:25 (35#)
    Noel 12:27 (45#)
