
W.O.D. 1.4.17

For time:
20 Calories Air Bike
10 Clean and Jerks (115/165#)
20 Calories Aire Bike

Community Notes:
Join us on Saturday 1/7 at 11:00AM for our FREE CrossFit Kids Day!
All ages and abilities welcome!

Join us on Sunday, 1/8 for our kick off to our Nutrition Challenge at 11:00AM!
Click here to READ more about the challenge!

Please tell a friend about our New On-Ramp Program for beginners, only $100, starts on 1/9! 
Click here to READ more and sign up today!

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see."


  1. 515am
    Kevin B 5:19 (145)
    Mike S 7:44 (115)
    Theresa 6:40 (105)
    Manisha 8:40 (85, 15cal bike)

    Mike Sim 3:21 Rx
    Mark S 5:42 (135)
    Jon P 5:20 Rx
    Katie M 6:33 (75)
    Danielle G 7:11 scaled
    Laura Alt. 6:30 (115/105)
    Ben M 4:50 (65)
    King 6:30 Rx

    Lauren H 6:36 Rx
    Kate K 7:40 (95)
    Anna C 7:49 (63)

    Nice Work !

  2. 9:30 AM

    Kevin H. 4:27,115
    Katie P. 6:45,65
    Dianne McD. 7:17,15
    Karen S. 5:57,45
    Meggan L. 7:27,83
    Dana D. 8:44,115 for 1,105
    Jackie H. 7:00,95
    Jill H. 7:35,85
    Edwin L. 4:27,25 cals x 2 +20@95
    Cate K. 6:41 Rx
    Panos 4:47 Rx


  3. 12:15
    Tim h 3:29 115
    Jessie 7:48 85
    Rich a 3:41rx
    Seba 8:07 73
    Sarah w 9:49 65
    Dr. Intensity 7:24 150
    Justin 6:48 105
    Pam g 6:00 RX
    Dave N 5:51 RX (sq cln)

  4. 4:30

    Oscar 4:14 Rx
    Mike M 5:37 105
    Alex T 6:25 63
    Jess A 6:22 85
    Matt B 4:20 Rx
    Vince 4:39 145
    Barb 6:46 40 15cal


    Mooney 4:32 Rx
    Patrick 5:35 Rx
    Angelo 5:10 Rx
    Mike R 4:57 Rx
    Josh P 4:30 135
    Aileen 5:42 Rx
    Laura P 6:17 Rx
    Alicia-Marie 5:04 83

  5. Wendy 8:11 (75)
    Brian R 4:48 (95)
    TJ 5:52 (95)
    Matt E 3:56 RX
    Rob P 5:30 (125)
    Borden 5:49 (155)
    Ashley Mc 5:53 (105)
    Mike C 5:27 (115)
    Rob C. 5:50 RX

    Andrew C 3:26RX
    Christine 6:57 (105)
    Julie 5:? (95)
    Noel 5:10 (115)
    Therese 8:15 (73)
