
W.O.D. 11.25.16

With a partner, complete the following: 
 5 Rounds of: 
500 Meter Row
24 Deadlifts (125/185#)
18 Hang Power Cleans (125/185#)
12 Push Jerks (125/185#)

Today's Classes:Friday November 25th
9:30 am WOD (Free Babysitting) 
10:30am Open Strength 
12:15pm Express WOD 

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. 
Indira Gandhi


  1. 9:30am
    Jill H/ Luis 25:32 85/135
    Dana/Pam G 24:45 95/105
    Katie/ Wardell 21:09 65/115
    Manisha/Therese/Nicole 28:00 70/75
    Katie/Ellie 22:26 55/75
    Kevin/Brian R 24:55 115/95
    Mary/Nicole R 22:21 55/45
    Julie R/ Nicole N 29:54 108/65
    Brian/ Neil 29:18 4rounds 155#
    Alona/Jen 23:29 95/55
    Jon P/ Laura P 22:54 155/105

  2. 12:15 pm
    Keith,Kit/Samson 28:56 Rx Rx/115
    Jammin Jessie/ DubSteph 23:00, 83#, Jessie 63# for PJ only
    Jess/ Rich A 24:38 65/165
    Tim H/Mike S 27:42 125/105#
    Rachel/ Steph C 23:49 45/55
    Anne B/ Meredith 24:03 45/65

  3. Giulia/Laura A 21:55 95#
    Maggie/Aimee 29:20 rx
    Jenna/Jason 22:14 95/135
    Josh Mc David R 20:36 135#
    Sarina/Angelo 22:08 70/115#
