
W.O.D. 11.10.16

For time:
50 Double-unders
40 Calories Row
30 Burpees
30/25 Calories Air-bike

Community Notes:
We are hosting the "Brawl in the Fall on Saturday" there will be NO regular classes, but please join us to cheer on these awesome athletes who are competing:
Danielle Gambone 
Dave Nichols 
Kevin M. Bray 
Theresa Landed 
Alicia-Marie Moore 
Josh Mc 
Mike Simonson 
Dana Dilullo 
Jon Pistilli 
Pam Gulotta 
Laura Altimari 
Rich Andrews 
Laura and Tim Pappas 
Keith Bombar 
Rachel Spring 
Aimee Lyons 
Ashley McLeod 
Michael Coveney

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." 
-Albert Einstein 


  1. 6/7am

    All as prescribed:
    Jeff B 6:50
    Theresa 8:15
    Kevin b 7:09
    Matt Ry 9:31
    Mike S 10:31
    Manisha 11:11
    Katie M 16:01

    Megan H 8:01
    Kate K 9:46
    Paul d 8:23
    Edwin L 9:03

  2. 8:30a
    Gordy 7:51 Rx
    Cate 7:56 Rx
    Aimee 8:36 Rx
    Jenna 10:23 Rx
    Steph v 10:26 2x single unders

    Ina 15:38rx
    Dana D 9:14 Rx
    Jill h 10:12 Rx
    Kevin H 10:01 Rx
    Mary h 12:38 30 double unders
    Emma 13:51 dua

  3. Masters 1:00
    For time:
    90 sec du
    30 cals row
    400 m run
    20 burpees

    Anne b 8:44
    Terry 9:05
    Teresa 9:30

  4. 12:15
    Denise 10:10 rx
    Pam 7:19 rx
    Meggan 11:27 (90 s dua)
    Erika L 11:29 Rx
    Tim H 11:20 (15 DU!)
    Mike Sim 7:16 rx
    Joe M 13:03 rx (all 50!!!)
    Nicole M 10:59 (90 s dua)
    Jessie 11:27 rx
    Meredith 10:27 (90s dua)
    Tre 7:37 rx
    Dave N 8:40 rx

  5. 630

    LINDSEY 11:15
    Matt C 6:44
    Esra 13:25
    Steph M 10:30
    Rich A 6:28
    Ash 8:56
    Raj 9:34
    Marissa 9:40
    Ravi 14:10
    Erik 12:20
    Mike C 9:43

    90 seconds double under attempts
    Tia 13:04
    Kris 11:42
    Steph C 10:56
    Nate 9:43
    Danielle 7:29
    TJ 10:19
    Ranjith 13:30
    Alan 14:10

    Phani 12:55 90 sec dua


  6. 4:30PM
    Giulia 9:44 rx
    Keith 7:27 rx
    Brian R 12:20 (90s DUA)
    Therese 15:05 (90s DUA)
    Ellie 8:14 rx
    Karen M. 10:13 (90s DUA)
    Mike M 10:40 (90s DUA)
    Nicole N 12:23 rx
    Mike R 8:11 Rx

    Steve Z 9:39 (50 SU/30 KBS)
    Jordan 10:07 Rx
    Ali 11:32 (25 DU)
