
W.O.D. 9.19.16

Gordy Hits a PR Clean!

5 Rounds for time of:
5 Push Jerk (125/185#)
10 Burpees

Community Notes:
We are starting a Masters Class on Mondays at 4:30 PM with Aimee, Ages 50+ are welcome! Meet in the main gym!

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. -Khalil Gibran


  1. 6am
    Manisha 9:30 @ 65
    Mike Sa 8L36 115 FS
    Theresa L 9:30@95
    Matt R 9:33@115
    Katie 10:44@65
    Sarah W 9:33@75
    King 7:52@155
    Erika 8:32@65
    Kevin B 5:50 145BS
    Jeff 7:55 165

  2. 9:30a
    Kevin H -'8:37 125#
    Mary H 9:50 80#
    Jackie 10:54 115#
    Jenna 8:59 100# huge PR!!
    David C 9:33 95#
    Jill H - 10:03 95#

  3. 9:30 took it from the rack...
    And so did I
    Aimee 6:45 Rx

  4. 12:15
    Pam g 11:47!rx
    Denise 7:30 85pp
    Mike si 7:37rx (FLR)
    Joe m 10:05 @105
    Seba 8:49@55
    Jon pa 6:49x (FLR)

  5. Pam g 11:47rx
    Denise 7:30 85pp
    Mike si 7:37
    Joe m 10:05@105
    Seba 8:48@55
    Jon pa 6:49 Rx (FLR)

  6. 3:30
    Dave H 15:50 Floor Rx
    Dana D 9:39 95#
    Karen 10:03 83#
    Angelo 9:45 145#
    Sean 10:50 135# floor
    Ina 10:34 65#
    Erik F 12:32 145#
    Mike M 10:40 95#

    4:30 Masters
    5 Rounds of, 5 Push Jerks, 5 Burpees, 10 KBS
    Terry 8:36 55# 26#
    Pam V :) 35#/18#
    Barb C :) 40#
    Therese 9:42 65/35#

    Justin H 11:01 165#
    Alicia 10:18 93#
    Rich A 8:52 Rx Floor
    Nicole R 12:40 58#
    Mike R 10:42 145#
    Maggie 7:07 Rx
    Brian R 12:12 105#
    Julie R 11:11 105#

    Genesis 8:57 55#
    JillA 9:58 Rx
    Laura A 8:28 105#
    Giulia 9:12 Rx blocks
    Jason 8:57 155#
    Keith 7:24 Rx
    Jen S 8:10 80#
    Twinnie 8:25 75#
    Brian T 10:35 115#
    Mark S 7:38 135#
    Luke 9:21 115#
    Alejandra 7:07 65#

    Cline 11:04 140#
    Esra 12:06 65#
    Rita 11:09 63#
    Nate 7:54 105#
    Rob C 12:06 185#/135#
    Phani 8:01 55#
    Danielle 8:47 95#
    Michael C 8:29 105#
    Tristan 10:25 65#
    Borden 7:36 135#
    TJ 8:22 95#
    Alona 8:29 95#
    Dave N 8:31 155#
    Michael Roth 8:24 125#
