
W.O.D. 7.28.16

Join us on Sunday, August 14th at 1:30PM for a FREE workout for all ages! 

For time:
21 Back Squats (135/205)
21 Burpees
100 Double Unders
15 Front Squats (95//135)
15 Burpees
100 Double Unders
9 Overhead Squats (65/95)
9 Burpees
100 Double Unders

“Do yourself a favor, and realize that there’s no technique in the world that will save you. There are no pills, no secrets, no passwords on the path to greatness. You’ve got to embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck, and then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.” ~ Jon Gilson



  1. 6am
    Mike Sim 18:04 Rx
    King 19:14 Scaled
    Laura Alt 14:36 105/85/55
    Lauren C 20:03 85/75/65 50du
    Danielle G 18:29 85/75/65 50du
    Matt R 17:38 125/105/65 50du
    Ellie H 16:44 95/85/55

    Jon P 18:36 Rx
    Ashley M 19:55 105/85/65
    Joe C 18:08 135/115/45
    Lauren H 21:30 15/95/65
    Kate K 18:09 75/65/65
    Alona 22:33 115/95/65
    Pete 14:02 Rx

  2. 8:30am
    Aimee 12:41 Rx weight from floor
    Bekah 18:30 100/50/50 du's, Rx weight
    Steph 16:54 men's Rx for deadlift/power clean/hang power clean, 250m row

    Tim H 18:39 135/115/33 10DUA
    Jackie H 18:05 105/85/65 50DU
    Karen S 22:26 73/53/35 DUA
    Jonathan S 22:48 165/115/65
    Jill Hi 21:22 115/85/55 50DU

  3. 11:00am
    Cate 11:44 Rx *weight from floor
    Giulia 15:09 Rx
    Katie 15:40 55/35/15
    Panos 15:04 30du Rx weight
    Kyle 16:05 135/115/45 2:00min DUA
    Ina 15:21 75/55/35 2:00DUA
    Daniel 15:20 115/95/65 2:00 DUA
    Danial 12:40 135/115/45 2:00mins DUA

  4. 12:15pm
    Karen S 17:33 125/95/45 2mins DUA
    Pam 19:03 Rx
    Joe M 18:22 115/95/45 2mins DUA
    Seba 19:00 75/55/35
    Marni 20:20 93/73/53 50du
    Jessie 21:39 103/83/53 50du
    Steph C 16:32 75/65/45 25DU

    1:00pm Masters
    3-3-3 of Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk
    Terry 53/73/73
    Jodilee 68/78/88
    Gigi 50/35/45
    John 78/78/88

  5. 4:30
    Nicole N 24:11 85/65/55
    Dana D 20:18 rx weight, 2 mins DUA
    Keith 19:10 Rx weight from the floor
    Dave H 17:33 Rx weight from the floor
    Kendall 17:25 93/73/53 2 mins DUA
    Lucy Q 16:50 63/53/33 10 cals bike
    Tori 18:12 83/73/53 2 mins DUA
    Anne B 17:33 73/53/33 (25 DU) squat to box
    Sarah W 19:00 105/85/55 (2 mins DUA)

  6. 5:30 PM
    Amy (Apex dropin) 14:54 85/75/65 50 du
    Michael C 17:40 150/95/65 (60 DU)
    Sean 18:13 135/95/65/45 (2 mins dua)
    Josh Mc 14:09 165/145/95 30 DU
    Twinnie 15:16 93/73/53/ 2 mins dua
    Mike I 17:30 145/115/95
    Tia 18:30 Rx weight (2 mins DUA)
    Jess A 20:10 83/63/43 (2 mins DUA)
    Shawna 17:03 85/85/65 (15 DUA)
    Lindsey 16:40 95/85/55 (2 mins DUA)
    Nooshi 15:15 33/23/23 DUA - 2 mins
    Josh P 16:23 135/115/95
    Alejandra 17:30 85/65/45 (2 mins dua)
    Jenna 18:38 105/75/55 all the dubs!!
    Angelo 17:49 135/115/65 (DU 50/50/100)
    MR Intensity 23:00 165/135/95 (25 DU)
    Mariana 15:13 95/75/55 - 2 mins DUA
