
W.O.D. 3.24.16

For time:
27 Strict Handstand Push-ups
21 Thrusters (105/155#)

Community Notes:
CrossFit KOP will be CLOSED on Easter, Sunday, March, 27th


Join us on Friday night for the LAST Friday night lights and a BIG party to celebrate the END!  Please bring some treats or drinks to share.

“You cannot open a book without learning something.” 
 - Confucius


  1. 6/7am
    Mike Sim. 8:26 Rx
    Dana D 5:49 (kipHSPU/65#)
    Matt R 9:01, (boxHSPU/95#)
    Mike S 7:50 (boxHSPU/85#)
    Briana K 7:35 (boxHSPU)

  2. 9:30 am
    Heather 9:45 (15# db strict press) 45# pp and kick ups
    Katie M 8:25 (15 # db strict press) 45# thruster and kick ups

  3. Jessie 6:27, 2abm, 75#
    Michael 6:49, 35# db press, 75#
    Erik 6:56, 40# db press, 115#
    Alona 10:37, 30# db press, 85#
    Jen S 3:45. 2abm, 55#
    Steph Mc 8:07 2abm, 55#
    Ashley 6:28, 20# db press, 55#
    Lindsey 4:38, 20# db press, 45#
    Molly 8:12, 20# db press, 45#


  4. 12:15, 1:00 masters, 4:30 and 5:30
    Karen 8:35 box 75#
    Sarah W 10:05 3 AB 53#
    Seba 10:35 box 35#
    Mike I 10:53 95# 3 AB
    Mike R 10:52 2 AB 85#
    Meredith 6:48 box 55#

    Jodilee 6:59 45# box
    Terry 8:50 45$ 3 AB
    Sharon 9:50 63# box
    Kevin 6:35 75# 3 ab
    Barb C 9:19 45# box
    Mom 6:54 Box 22#

    John Mc 6:11 95/3 AB
    Anne 5:30 40# box
    Ryan A 3:22 115 3 AB rom
    Ryan S 5:14 2 AB 95#
    Keith 5:26 Rx
    Mariana 4:51 3 AB 70#

    Raj 6:09 3 AB 65#
    Shawna 4:06 3 AB 55#
    EJ 9:05 box 65#
