
W.O.D. 3.23.16

AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
Run 800 Meters
25 Box Jumps (20/24")
3 Rope Climbs (15 ft)

Community Notes:
CrossFit KOP will be CLOSED on Easter, Sunday, March, 27th


Join us on Friday night for the LAST Friday night lights and a BIG party to celebrate the END!  Please bring some treats or drinks to share!

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” 
 - Anthony J. D'Angelo


  1. 5:15am

    Mike San: 2+27 Rx
    Theresa L: 3+400m Rx


    Bri K: 2+200m Rx
    Pete W: 3Rds 1000m Row + 4min Single Unders
    Mike Sim: 2+27 Rx
    Ellie H: 2+27 Rx
    Justin D: 2+200m Rope Pull
    Ben M: 2+1 Rope Pull
    Jon P: 3+600m Rx


  2. 9:30 AM

    Jessica A. 2+9 box jumps(modified rope)
    Jill H. 2+11 box jumps(3 rope pulls)
    Katie M. 2+400m (step ups, 3 pulls: 1st s-hook climb!!!)
    Manisha S. 2+1-1/2 rope climbs Rx
    Lauren C. 2+775m Rx
    Karen S. 2+25 box jumps (3 pulls)
    Kevin H. 2+9 box jumps Rx
    Mary H. 😿
    Emma S. 2+790 m (3 pulls)


  3. 12:15 Express

    Dana D. 3+400m Rx (plus 400m bonus!!!)
    Pam G. 3+800m Rx
    Mike K. 2+24 box jumps (3 rope pulls)
    Joe M. 2+3 rope (3 rope pulls)
    Robert M. 2+24 box jumps (3 rope pulls)
    Mike R. 3+400m Rx
    Laura P. 3+23 box jumps Rx
    Therese W. 2+400m ( mod rope)


  4. 4:30
    Dave h 3+some run #3
    TJ 2+ 2 rc
    Lucy 3+ some run
    Rich a 3+ some run #2
    Jon pa 3+ some run #1
    Mike I 2+box jump

  5. Laura A 3+2 Rx
    Alona 3+150m Rx
    Jen 2+8 rope pulls
    Rob 2+27 10 ft
    Steph C 2+6 Rx
    Sarah 2+14 (3pulls)

    The run counted as 1 rep


  6. 5:15am

    Mike San: 2 +200m Rx
    Theresa L: 3+400m Rx


    Bri K: 2+200m Rx
    Pete W: 3 RDS: 1000m Row + 4min Single Unders
    Mike Sim: 2+27 Row
    Ellie H: 2+27 Rx
    Justin D: 2+200m Rope Pull
    Ben M: 2+1 Rope Pull
    Jon P: 3+600m Run Rx

  7. For the record, I had 2 + 26 Rx this morning.

  8. Cait 2+6 (pulls)
    Giulz 2+19 RX
    Nate 3 (pulls)
    Abby 2+26 (pulls)
    Amanda 2+12 (pulls)
    Lauren 2+1 (pulls)
    Ashley 2+ some run (pulls)
    Kris 2+10 (pulls, 17")
    Borden 2+17 RX
    Matt 2+16 (attempts)
    Brian 2+28 RX
    Steph 2+27 (pulls)
    Meliissa 2+13

    EJ 2+ 1 (attempts)
    Danielle 3 (attempts)
    Cline 3+ some run #1
    Dave 3+ some run #2
    Aneal 2+28 (attempts)
