
W.O.D. 1.8.16

For time:
800 Meter Run
30 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
30 Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
15 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb Street. Please meet and park there.

We are offering a NEW program, "New Year New You". Please tell a friend today. This is an all inclusive 6 week program for only $125. Any level and ability is welcome, the program begins on 1/11 and will run on M-W-F at 6:30PM. Click here to read more or click here to sign up today.

"Where he had failed, I would triumph. Where he had lost his way, I would find the path out of the labyrinth."
-Carlos Ruiz Zafon


  1. 6am
    Dana D 12:55 Rx
    Briana K 14:27 Rx
    Jeff B 12:50 Rx
    Shari 16:02 (35#)
    Danielle G 13:00 (35#)
    Theresa 13:31 (53#/44#)
    Sue K 13:54 (35#)
    Mike Sim 11:40 (airbike 60cal/30cal)
    Mike S 17:11 (53#)
    Justin D 17:08 (70# Russian)
    Ben M 16:30 (30#, 10reps plups)

    Peter 11:32 Rx
    Laura Alt. 12:13 Rx
    Nick C 12:38 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM and 12:15 Express
    Mary 13:05 18# band
    Jill H 15:40 44# band 2 floss
    Jill A 14:24 Rx
    Jackie 17:08 rom
    Manisha 14:14 35#
    Meggan 14:06 35#band
    Kevin 14:00 band 53#
    Emma 17:25 band 26#

    Tim H 15:04 53 # RR
    Therese 10:24 35# 400/200RR
    Nikki W 11:55 Rx
    Lucy Q 17:35 18# band
    Pam G 13:49 rx
    Denise 14:35 band
    Mike I 15:49 44#
    Elissa 15:05 26# band
    Rich A 10:31 Rx
    Jessie 13:45 44#
    Karen 16:44 band 44#

  3. TJ 15:44 53#
    Lauren H. 16:22 44#
    Ashley 15:38 35#
    Matt 15:56 1/2 pullups
    Rachel 15:01 Butterfly attempts 53#
    Kris L 15:44 35#

  4. Those who attended the 3:30pm / 4:30pm / 5:30pm:
    I'm sorry to tell you that your times were not able to be posted. For those who attended, if you remember your times please post them! Sorry again crew.

