
W.O.D. 12.3.15

Advent Day 3!!! ---Congrats to the winners! 

18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Toes to Bar
Overhead Walking Lunges X2  (25/45#)

Advent Day 3:
Max Reps in 3 Minutes:
Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stone
There will be a winner at each weight here! 

"Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." Mattie Stepanek



  1. 6/7am
    Justin D 19:21 (25#plate)
    Kevin B 14:49 rx
    Matt Ry 16:48 35#
    Jeff B 16:28 Rx
    Mike S 19:15 25#
    Mike Sim 13:40 Rx
    Laura Alt 11:00 Rx
    Manisha 16:34 rom t2b
    Sue K 13:42
    Theresa AOTM 12:48 Rx
    Shari D 15:07 15#
    Nick C 14:50 Rx
    Jon P 11:31 Rx

  2. 8:30
    Aimee 9:36 Rx
    Gordy 10:52 no overhead weight
    Jenna 12:49 slamballs for ttb
    Jill A. 12:32 Rx

    Jill H. 15:39 ttb ROM
    Mark R. 12:55 ttb ROM
    Karen S. 1548 ttb ROM, 15#
    Bekah 10:51 ttb ROM
    Jackie 14:32 ttb ROM
    Jonathan S. 14:38 sc

    Shane 10:21 Rx
    Time H 20:02 sc
    Pam G. 12:50 Rx
    Therese 17:39 ttb ROM, 10#
    Dana 14:00 Rx
    Jessie 13:30 Rx
    Karen 19:30 ttb ROM

    Terry 12:57 ttb swing, 10#
    Barb 12:49 ttb ROM, 10#
    Kevin 10:12 ttb ROM, 15#
    Liz 12:21 sc

  3. 5:30pm

    Melissa M.: 17:33 ROM / 15#
    John M.: 20:53 / ROM / 45#
    Flounder: 19:00 ROM / 35#
    Brian T.: 19:20 ROM / 35#
    Shawna: 20:07 / 15#
    Alona K.: 17:23 ROM / 25#
    Jen H.: 16:28 ROM / 25#


  4. Erika 16:07 15#
    Steph C 14:47 15#
    Adam 17:20 35# ttba
    Dave 17:55 35#
    Matt E 20:05 35#, ttba
    Nate 18:50 35#, ttba
    Kris 19:40 ttba


  5. 4:30
    Joe P 14:05 35#
    Lucy 11:25 (10# ttb swing) (mod reps)
    Roman 13:47 rx
    TP 14:42 Rx
    Olan-ish 16:ish - Rx-ish
    Nicole 12:25 25# TTB ROM (mod reps)
    Jonathan P 12:57 Rx
    Rebecca 9:46 15#TTB swing (Mod reps)

    Masters notes:
    Masters from 1:00 did 15-12-9-6-3 reps
    * and congrats to Terry for getting her first two Toes to bar!!
