
W.O.D. 12.28.15

Take 20 minutes to get your 10 RM Front Squat

AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
10 Alternating 5R/5L DB Snatch (55/70#)
10 Burpees

Holiday Schedule: 

December 28th- December 30th
Regular Class Schedule

Thursday, December 31st
Daily WOD- 6am, 7am, 9:30am, 12:15pm Express, 1pm Masters
(No Evening Adult or Kids Classes)
Open Strength-10:30am-1pm 

 Friday, January 1st

 Saturday, January 2nd
Family and Friends WOD- 10am
Open Strength 11:30am-1:00pm
No Kids Class 

 Sunday, January 3rd
Daily WOD 10am
Open Gym 11:00am-1pm
 No Kids Class

"How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them." 
Benjamin Franklin


  1. 6am
    Justin D 125#, 3+6 (45#)
    Manisha 70#, 4+9(25#)

    Briana K 135#, 4+17(35#)
    Alex L 175#, 6 (45#)
    Nick C 175#, 4+5(55#)

  2. 9:30AM
    Jill A 150, 3 Rx
    Jackie 135, 4 +1 45#
    Kevin B 145, 5+12 45#
    Kris 80 ROM, 3 + 4 30#
    Beech 115 4+6 40#
    Elissa 85, 3 +10 30#
    Alejandra 80, 5 25#
    Jill H 105, 4 35#
    Mary 75, 4+15 30#
    Kevin H 145, 4 +10 45#
    Julie 105, 3 +13 35#
    Adam 135#, 5 50#

  3. 12:15pm

    Denise W: 145# / 3+16 35#
    Kevin G: 135# / 5 30#
    Rob C: 155# / 4+2 45#
    Pam G: 115# / 5+8 40#
    Therese W: 93# / 4+10 44# KBS


  4. 5:30

    Jessie 113 5+15 25#
    Mike Si 185 5+2 Rx
    Rob P 125 3+5 50#
    Shawna 95 4 25#
    Sheila 105 4+5 20#

  5. Beech? Is that my new nick name? haha

  6. 630

    Lucy 55 ROM, 4+16 20#
    Laura A 115, 4+2 50#
    Brian T 135 (13" box), 3+11 55#
    Amanda 85, 4+5 30#
    Lauren 145 pr!' 3+11 40#


  7. Bekah--haha! Whoops--Sorry! that's the auto correct for your name..

    3:30/4:30 Results:
    Jason 225 3 + 15 60#
    Joe C 175 5+1 50#
    Ellie 110 4+5 45#

    Anne Be (drop in) 85 5+7 30#
    Anne Bo 55 4+3 15#
    Rachel L 73 5+5 25#
    Fayth 65 5 20#
    Giulia 145 4+6 40#
    Karen 125 5+4 25# (7 reps one arm only)
    Zak 185 4+14 55#
    Matt P (drop in) 195 5+5 50#
    Alex 83 5+17 25#
    Mike M 125 4 30#
    Keith B 275 4+5 rx
    Ashley 150 4+13 50#
    Mike I 105 4 35#

    thanks to Anne and Matt for dropping in!
