
W.O.D. 8.7.15

Sumo Deadlift

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stone

*select weight based on level and ability...Challenge yourself...we have a NEW 207# stone, who is gonna pick it up?

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Thomas A. Edison


  1. 6/7am
    Matt R 225#, 17@90#stone
    Jason L 375#
    Jamie K 115#, 11@70#stone

    Laura Alt. 185#, 28@70#stone
    Nick C 345#, 27@110#stone

  2. 9:30/12:15
    PR parties!
    Gai-linn 143 PR
    Rich P :)
    Sarah G 145 PR
    Kevin B 155 PR
    Mike C 155 PR
    Jackie 265 PR
    Jill A 235 PR
    Manisha 175 PR
    Barbara 63 #PR
    Jessica A 155# PR
    Jenna 225 # PR

    Jenna/Kevin/Mike 70# 31 reps
    Manisha/Gai-linn/Sarah 50# 28 reps
    Jess/Barb 35# for 20 reps
    Jackie/Jill 90# for 19 reps

    Lindsay 175 PR
    Karen 175 PR 17 @ 70#
    Scott 345 PR (175 1rep)
    Tim H 365 18 at 110#
    Ben 325 PR 18 at 110#
    Pam 225 PR 14 at 90#
    Denise 205 PR 16 @ 70#
    Erika 165 PR

    Erika/Lindsay 50# 42 reps

  3. 3:30

    Keith 465
    Alicia 163 20@70
    Ashlea 153 44@35
    Briana 225 12@90
    Dave 385 (405 was Thor's hammer) 44@35 23@110
    Justin 335 38@110


    Taryn 195 31@70
    Maddy 123 65@35
    Mike M 273 23@90


    Alona 205 10@90
    Brian 265 10@90
    Chris 305 PR 21@110
    Danielle 163 26@70
    Jen S 135 space cadet


    Ashley 135 9@70
    John 315 36@110
    Rachel 265
    Ryan 375 21@110
