
W.O.D. 8.3.15

All for time:

20 Calorie Row

10 Push-ups
20 Walking Lunges
50 Double Unders
20 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups
20 Walking Lunges
50 Double Unders
15 Chest To Bar Pull-ups

10 Push-ups
20 Walking Lunges
50 Double Unders
10 Bar Muscle Ups

10 Push-ups
20 Walking Lunges
50 Double Unders
5 Rope Climbs

20 Calorie Row

Community Notes:
Click here to register for the next Level 1 Seminar at CrossFit King of Prussia on September 26th and 27th.

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.
-Og Mandino


  1. 6:00

    Balmer 24:20 Rx
    King 23:35 JMU
    Manisha 32:47 band/JMU
    Mike M 31:07 band/JMU

  2. 7:00

    Jeff B 27:52 JMU 3 climbs to ~10'
    Joe C 28:58 JMU

  3. Rounds 3 & 4 were not supposed to have 20 pull-ups so 6 and 7 am did a little extra work!

  4. 9:30 AM
    Rich A 17:37 Rx
    Mike 30:21 sc
    Barb 24:02 sc
    Heather 28:40 sc
    Jackie 29:34 sc
    Briana 29:33 sc
    Jonathan 20:40 band/rr

  5. Tim H 27:08 sc
    Jimmy 23:16 sc
    Steph C 27:56 sc
    Denise 20 Cap 20:25 sc
    Dana 26:07 (0 ropes) sc
    Pam 27:16 (band MU)
    Alex 20:45 JMU

  6. 5:30pm Marisa:

    Shawna P. 31:32 sc
    Jill C. 33:39 sc
    Silva Fox 25:32 5BMU/sc
    Sarah W. 28:19 sc
    Jon P. 33:38 rx
    Justin Son 26:06 sc
    Rob P. 27:50 sc
    Joe P. 27:57 sc
    Josh P. 27:10 sc
    Tim W. 25:03 sc
    Kevin G. 28:58 sc
    Ryan A. 28:20 sc

  7. 3:30/4:30
    Leslie 27:29 ac
    Meggan 25:07 sc
    John Mc 30:32 sc
    Marni 27:18 sc
    Erik 30:46 sc
    Jill A 28:10 (6 band MU/2 rope climbs)
    Justin R 25:25 JMU

    #keithie 20:00 Rx
    Jenna 32:33 sc
    Shane 20:28 (35 du/3 ropes)
    Mike M 30:25 sc
    Maddy 23:59 sc
    Rachael 23:32 sc
    Brian 24:56 sc
    Brian 24:56 sc
