
W.O.D. 8.19.15

2 Rounds of:
7 Minute AMRAP:
40 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)
20 Toes to Bar
10 Hand Release Push-ups
5 Bar Muscle Ups

(rest 5 Minutes)

Score will be total reps.

Community Notes:
Don't forget about the last of our Summer Running Clinics with Coach Tim! Thursday, 8/20 at 6:30PM.
‘SPRINTING- and why you need it!' This clinic will focus on how to warm up properly for a sprint workout so that you can maximize performance and prevent injury. We will also go over the benefits of sprinting for your current training, as well as your long-term fitness as you age. The clinic will be capped off by a workout!

All levels and abilities welcome! $25 registration fee (free for CFKOP Members)

Meet at the Upper Merion High School Track at 435 CrossField Road, King of Prussia.
Also....don't forget about our Shopping evening also on Thursday from 6-9PM at Athleta, if you want to join us and get 25% off post to comments or email crossfitkop@gmailcom.

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. 6am

    King 102+92= 194 jumping mu
    Mike Simonson 107+83=190 Rx
    Mike S 72+63=135, 14# wb, jumping mu
    Michal M 102+86= 188 jumping mu
    Jeff 117+97=214 jumping mu


  2. 530pm

    Silver Fox 74+73= 147 Rx
    Kevin 84+73= 157 jbmu
    Laura A 122+90= 212 jbmu
    Alona 101+90= 191 jbmu
    Ryan S 106+77=183 14#
    Josh P 100+75= 175 jbmu
    Joe 105+88= 193 jbmu
    Jill C 85+84= 169 ttb sc
    Keithie 115+95=210 Rx
    Jon 72+72=144 Rx
    Rob 70+72= 142 rom, jbmu


  3. 9:30

    Jackie 95 78 = 173 JMU
    Briana 85 85 170 JMU
    Aime 73 71 144 Rx
    Jill H 86 70 156 10# ROM JMU
    Julie 85 75 160 JMU
    Kevin 115 85 200 Rx
    Ravi 77 66 143 10# ROM JMU
    Shoshana 80 75 155 8# ROM JMU
    Barb 101 95 196 8# ROM RR/dip
    Gorday 110 86 196 Rx

    Thanks to Jen(Sorry I didn't get your scores) Julie, Kevin and Shoshana for dropping in!


    Ashlea 95 95 190 10# ROM JMU
    LY 89 72 161 10# ROM JMU
    Jamie 92 90 182 ROM JMU


    Danielle 100 100 200 10# ROM JMU
    Amanda 90 85 175 10#ROM JMU
    Jenna 92 82 174 JMU ROM
    Giulz 115 74(pulled a #Keithie?) 189 BBMU
    Ashley 100 76 176 10# sit-ups JMU
    Christine 95 80 175 10# sit-ups JMU
    Erik 85 77 163 ROM JMU


    Luis 73 73 146 ROM JMU

  4. 12:15

    Pam 120 96 216 BBMU
    Scott 98 88 186 ROM pull-ups
    Dana 90 123 213 Scales
    Erika 95 93 188 8' BBMU
    Jessie 112 106 218 10# JMU
